Chapter 9: Ill come running

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Joeys POV

we were walking back to class and didn't really make meaningful conversation. I think that me and Shane are becoming pretty close but I can't be totally sure. After all I thought he was gay

~End of the day~

"Hey Shane!" He was running home and I wanted to know if he could have me over

"Hey Joey, I'm really sorry but I have to go" with that he ran off. I wonder where

Shane's POV

My dad was coming home today. Which meant I was gonna get beat up today. Since everyone thought I was a badass at my school I could pull it off as I got drunk and got in a fight. That was a huge lie considering I didn't drink or get in fights with people, I get that enough at home. Which is why I try so hard to get a girlfriend and be popular.

Don't get me wrong, I adore Ingrid. But I don't see us having a future.

*His dad will be cruel so I hope I don't offend*

I walk in and my dad is standing there drunk as ever.

"Hey faggot! Get a boyfriend yet?" I wish I never told my mom I was gay. I am gay, the only girl who I ever liked was Ingrid

and like I said, I don't see a future. But when I told my mom, my dad over heard and stared beating me up. I don't tell anyone, only Lisa and Luke because they're my best friends but not even they know Im bulimic and I self harm

"I don't have a boyfriend dad." I mumbled and tried to walk away before he kicked my in the shin.

"Don't walk away from your father" he punched and kicked me until I fell down and counties to kick me in my stomach

"You may be a big shot in your school but you wouldn't be if they knew" he kicked, and spit on me then left. Probably going to a bar.

He was right. If people knew I was gay. I'd get picked on. I'd be that kid not even the nerds would want to be friends with.

I didn't bother with my homework. It was only 4 but I decided just to go to sleep.

I woke up the next morning extremely weak. I also had a black eyes and bruises everywhere. I don't want to have to explain this to Luke and Lisa but they'll know as soon as they see me

Joeys POV

Another day if school has arrived and I'm not looking forward to it. The only thing I'm looking forward to is seeing Shane. I have a plan.

I have a plan on how to make Shane mine

•Step 1: Become friends ✔

•Step 2: Become friends with his best friends

•Step 3: Become one of his best/closest friends.

•Step 4: Convince him to break up with his girlfriend

•Step 5: Get his friends to convince him to date me

•Step 6: Convince him to date me

I know the plan may seem like it won't work, but I does. It worked with my last boyfriend Carter.

His name tenses me up every since that douche bag put a picture of me and him kissing on everyone's locker.

Anyway, I used this plan on carter and it worked. We'd probably still be together if I didn't move. I'm happy we're not because I still loved Shane when I was with him.

I still do love Shane

/A.N.: I want to move on to Christmas time because its currently late septemeber so I'm skipping a few months to move the story along\

It's almost Christmas time and I want to get Shane a present but I don't want to be creepy.

Although me and Shane have become very very close and we hang out everyday I'm still not sure

The good news is Shane and Ingrid are getting in a lot of fights. Not good for them but good for me because he wants to talk about it after school. I have to admit I would hate to be the thing that breaks them up, but I love him. It wasn't my idea to talk about her and I always have supported him, I'm not that big of a douche

Shane's POV

Me and Ingrid have been getting into millions of fights lately.

I know it sucks but I've been waiting for this, I know we have no future but I couldn't break up with her randomly. I asked Joey to talk about this after school and ask for his advice

I know he'll tell me to dump her, but he's the sweetest person I know who isn't a girl so he'll know how to end it nicely

I met him at the our place. Which was the forest I showed him, although it used to be only my place it slowly became our place where we go and meet up if something bad happened. I usually go because of my dad but I still can't come to tell Joey. It took me three years to even want to tell Lisa or Luke. I want to tell him but don't know how, when I show up he just lets me cry and comforts me, I do the same for him but he tells me what's wrong.

"Hey Joey!" It's surprising to know he's become closer to me than Lisa and Luke, which is why I need to tell him

"Hey!" We start walking out of the forest before I grab his arm

"Joey..can I tell you something?" It's now or never

"Shane, you can tell me anything" he gives me a reassuring smile and I take a big breath

"The reason why I always want to meet in the forest and why I usually came to the forest with you is because of my dad." He looked confused

"What does your dad do Shane" i looked down before speaking

"Well you know how I get in fights a lot? Well I don't actually get in fights..."

It took Joey a second and once he got it he hugged me

"Shane I'm so sorry" we stood there for a second and I pulled away and gave him a faint smile

"So do you want to start talking about you and Ingrid before we get to my house?" Joey sounded a little too excited

" you know how when we met again I told you I was gay?" Joeys head shot up not expecting that.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, I am gay. I thought it could work with me and Ingrid but I was wrong" Joey smirked which was cute. He was cute In general, I would date him but I care too much about him to make the same mistake that I made with Ingrid.

"Shane you know I'd love to date you. But if you do like Ingrid or anyone for that matter, you need to have strong feelings for them because if you don't its not fair for them or you" I was not expecting that answer to be honest"

Joeys POV

I'm not going to tell Shane to dump Ingrid and date me because it has to be his decision. And if I force him to date me we won't end up lasting

After our talk we got to my house and began to talk about Ingrid again

"So you want to end it with Ingrid." He sighed

"Yeah. I feel awful but I need to do, it's really unfair to her for me to continue it"

"Shane it really only matters on what you want to do, you can't think about her friends and what they'll think, you can't think about anyone but you two" I gave him a hug, and when he pulled away he smiled at me

"Joey I really appreciate this" I'm confused

"For what?" He laughed

"I know that you like me, and the fact that you're not straight up telling me to dump her is helpful" I smile and frown to the fact that he doesn't like me

"Don't get me wrong Joey, you're cute, funny and over all an amazing person but I care about you too much to make a mistake, as soon as I know I love you ill come running."

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