Chapter 8

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HELLO MY AWESOME READERS! i know i dont have as many readers as others.. BUT! i love all of you that do read my story! :) so i thought i would upload tonight since i got some more votes!

now i need y'all (yeah im one of them southerners ;D) to help me catch my twin! she has 150 votes so far i think on her story and i want to pass her >:D wanna help out? if so then click that there vote button and comment down yonder and help me pass her xD (See all my southern wordsies?!) VOTE VOTE COMMENT COMMENT???? in the future ya know too?

no? :k (<--- thats my face i always use! fb, texting, etc!)

im rambling, forgive me!

anyways, this one is not as long.. i dont why i wrote this one so short the other day so bare with me, i will tyr to upload tomorrow night but i do have a game and a test the next day. NO BIOLOGY! D:<


Do. Your. Thang. And. Appreciate. And. Help. Me. Pass. My. Twin.




Chapter 8            *Xavier’s POV*

Alex and I walked around the territory holding hands and watching the kids run around. That’s one thing he won’t get. Kids. I mean, we could always adopt, but what about the alpha line? There are wolf orphanages and there are alphas out there that don’t want their children so they give them away. I just hope that we could adopt one.

“Do hate that you don’t have a girl to give you a child?” I ask him.

He glances at me. “I mean, yeah it would be awesome to have my own child.” He admits. My heart drops. “But, I don’t mind adopting.” He adds.

I smile down at him. “How did I get so lucky?” I ask him.

He grins. “I don’t know. I'm still asking that question myself.” He teases.

I laugh and kiss him lightly. We continue walking around, just talking about our future with each other.


“Xavier! Alex!” our moms scream as we walk into the kitchen.

Our dads thought it would be best for our moms and us have to dinner. Alex’s mom actually got here this morning.

We say our hellos and sit down at the table. My sister, Allie is sitting across from us and beside Alex’s sister, Connie. They grinned at us as we sat. They were about a year apart, but are the best of friends. They became friends because of us. We would always play at each other’s houses and one day my sister had to come with me and his sister wasn’t at ballet so they played together. Ever since that day, they were inseparable. They cried when we left.

My sister was in such a crabby mood for weeks. When I had tried to comfort her one time, she snapped at me saying, “I bet you cried when you left Alex.” she knew I was gay, but I didn’t cry. She had said sorry profusely, saying it just came out. I just waved it off. She was probably on her period anyway.

Our moms came out of the kitchen with the food and we prepared our plates.

“So, have y’all mated yet?” Connie asks excitedly. Allie nodded her head in agreement also wanting to know.

I nod. “Yeah, last night.” I inform them vaguely. I don’t need my sister and Alex’s sister knowing about our sex life.

They grin as our moms squeal in delight. “Can we see your marks?” Mrs. Jenson asks.

My dad laughs. “After dinner, ladies.” He says.

Everyone calms down and makes small talk as we eat our chicken and potatoes.

Allie clears her throat, gaining everyone’s attention. “Who was bottom?” she asks, her face so serious I almost laughed.

My mom gasps. “Allie!” she exclaims, shocked that her daughter so bluntly asked something like that, while our dad laughs.

“I bet Alex did.” Connie states, just as serious.

Alex choked on his food. “What the hell!” he asks her angrily.

His mom gasps. “Language!” she says to him.

Mr. Jenson laughs. “Good guess.” He says to Connie, giving her a high five.

I laugh as Mrs. Jenson gasps again at her husband’s behavior. “Alan!” she says.

My dad laughs. “They’re spot on!” he says, still chuckling.

My mom gasps. What is up with all the gasping? “Brady!” she says.

“Calm down.” I yell, laughing.

They stop talking and look over to us. “Alex was bottom.” I inform them with a straight face.

Alex scowls at me. “You dick!” he says, smacking my head. I laugh as I look at his mad face.

Connie stands up. “I knew it!” she exclaims almost the same time Mr. Jenson snorts and says, “You like that about him son.”

Alex blushes slightly as he glares at his dad and sister. “Traitors!” he yells.

“Alright! Let’s calm down.” I tell everyone, still laughing slightly.

Everyone resumes eating and all is silent for a few minutes.

“I knew it.” Connie mumbles, still proud of being right.

Alex groans in annoyance as everyone else laughs.

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