Chapter 18

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Hello! This is so late! i had 3 projects last week. 3!!!!

it was awful and now i still have to finish science fair project. and im updating while my twin is doing hers.

so yeah... sorry.

and this is so short!! im sorry about that too!


guess what?

read my little note at the end of this and see ;D


Do your thang and appreciate!



Chapter 18          *Alex’s POV*

“I think Michael is jealous of Abigail when Peyton talks to her.” I tell Xavier after we tuck the boys in.

We’re sitting on our bed just holding each other. He had asked how their day had been and I decided to tell him about Michael’s behavior towards Abigail.

Xavier’s eyebrows furrow in confusion. “What do you mean?” he asks.

I sigh and told him the whole story and how Michael would scowl at the sand and window. “And then when I told him that Peyton loved him, he says ‘he loves me?’ with this big grin on his face.” I say.

Xavier smiles down at me. “Maybe he’s jealous of Peyton. Maybe he wants Abigail's attention.” He says.

I shake my head. “No! I just told you how he got excited when I told him that Peyton loved him, so why would he want Abigail’s attention.” I say, frustrated.

Xavier’s smile falls. “Oh yeah.” He says frowning.

I laugh slightly. “That was a very bad dumb moment.” I tell him.

He pouts. “Don’t make fun of me.” He whines.

I grin. “Sorry, baby.” I say, kissing him.

He moans and pulls me closer, kissing me harder. After a moment I pulled back. “Don’t want to wake up the kids.” I tell him.

He groans. “You just killed my hard on.” He tells me.

I grin and grab his crotch. He gasps before moaning. I squeeze and tug as he pants. He closes his eyes and moans loudly as I do that a few times. I let go and run towards the bathroom door. I look back at him and see him dazedly looking around and spotting me, my hand on the bathroom door knob.

He scowls. “You tease!” he yells, sitting up.

I laugh. “Sorry, I need to take a shower.” I tell him innocently.

He smirks. “Just wait. You’ll get your punishment.” He informs me, laughing slightly.

I roll my eyes and walk into the bathroom. He was taking off his pants, shirt already off, and he winked at me as he stepped in the shower. I watch as he turns it on and he groans at the hot water. My dick twitched at the sound.

I stepped forward and took off my clothes. His back was to me as I stepped in, but he turns around and grins at me as I shut the shower door. He pushes me against the wall and I moan when I feel his hand around my dick.

He pumps me as he leans down and kisses me. We kiss passionately, both of us wanting this—no needing it. We haven’t done it in a while and our wolves needed to be satisfied.

I moan as his tongue traces my bottom lip. I open my mouth and his tongue plunges into it. He explores my mouth as I run my hands down his amazing body. He pulls away from the kiss and kisses down my neck. I pinch his hard nipples and he moans into my neck.

He pulls away and pants. “Ready for some long awaited sex?” he teases, pulling at my dick.

I moan and nod, wanting to feel him inside of me. If you would have asked me about two years ago would I want a guy’s dick up my ass I would probably punch you. Oh, but now, I want it real bad!

I wrap my legs around his waist and he pushes me harder against the wall, grabbing my ass to keep me up. He pumps his shaft a few times before aligning it with my hole. I moan when the tip pushes against it.

I hiss in pain when he pushes more in. Soon he’s all the way in and I'm panting, trying not to scream out at the pain. I nod after a few minutes and he pulls out and pushes back in. I moan slightly at the feeling, but pain is still there.

“Faster, Xavier.” I tell him.

He pulls out and thrusts back in quicker. He slams me against the wall as I moan over and over. He hits my prostate soon and I scream out.

His hand covers my mouth. “Quiet, baby. We don’t need the kids waking up.” He says, chuckling.

He resumes his thrusts into me and I cry out as I came. I pant as he keeps thrusting into me, trying to reach his own.

He soon reaches it and he slumps against me, grinning at me.

“That was really nice and well awaited.” He says, pulling out.

I drop my legs from around his waist and nod, grinning back. We wash up and as we’re drying off I stop him from putting his clothes on.

“What is it?” he asks, confused.

I grin. “I'm not through with you yet.” I tell him, pulling him into our room.

(SHORT! AHH! But! there is a naughty scene in the next chapter and guess whats gonna be different? ;) SO STAY TUNED! i will try to update this week, but ya know, science fair and stuff..)


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