Chapter 11

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This isnt very long, sorry! i just want to catch up to myself so im going to upload like 2 or 3 times today, so yeah, you will a few updates of this story!

Do your thang and appreciate!



Chapter 11          *Xavier’s POV*

“Everyone sit.” I ordered the pack. Last time we had a pack meeting it wasn’t near as many people. But since Alex and his pack joined our large pack it was much bigger. I'm talking over a hundred people. We had trouble fitting in the large pack meeting room in the pack house, but since some people were watching the kids we fit. Now we had to be outside.

They sat in the chairs we brought out or the younger adults sat in the front on the ground. Some sat on stumps where we had to cut down trees while others stood, giving me their attention. “I called this meeting to announce my mating.” I announced to the pack, having to speak loud.

Many cheers rang through the crowd. “Thank you.” I said, grinning. Just wait ‘til they found out I had guy as mate. Gonna be a great memory. “I also would like to welcome our new members of the pack.” More cheers were heard as I finished.

“Is the other alpha gonna let you stay alpha or will he fight you for it?” someone yelled.

I nodded. “Good question. I am staying alpha since-” I was cut off by another yell.

“Why do you get to stay alpha? Alex should have a chance!” they yelled.

I shook my head, if they would let me finish. “As I was saying, I am staying alpha since I found my mate and it’s-” I was cut off yet again.

“Why does it matter that you found yours first?” someone else yelled.

I growled. “Let me finish!” I yell. When no one said anything I continued. “Alex is my mate and I am going to take the alpha position. He agreed to it. So shut the fuck up!”

I know I shouldn’t have added the last part, but they wouldn’t let me finish!

I sigh. “I'm sorry for the outburst.” I said.

It was quiet though. I looked around at the pack. Some faces were relaxed, some happy, some indifferent, some surprised, a few I picked out were not excited. I didn’t care what they thought.

“Now, if you have a problem with it I'm sorry.” I say and I wrap my arm around Alex, bringing him closer. I glanced at him and saw he was looking up at me, a slight smile on his face. I smiled back and looked back at the pack. “But you can just leave if you do. Step up if you do. I will release you from the pack myself.”

A few people stepped forward. I was surprised, it wasn’t as many people though. This was probably around twenty people. “Are you sure you want to leave?” I ask them. They nod or say their agreements, some trying not to look at me. I sigh silently. “Then I release you from the Crescent Moon Pack. You may pack your belongings.” I said, and then added. “You are no longer welcomed after you leave.” The ones that weren’t looking, looked at me then. “If you ever want to visit your families or friends, then think twice. You don’t like this sexuality then fine. Other packs have it, too. Good luck.” I tell them. They walk away, some quickly and some casually. The ones that walked away casually were trying to play it off as they didn’t care. They did.

Once they left I turned my attention back to the pack. I grinned. “Maybe now we can fit in the pack house when we have meetings.” I joke. Many laugh while others look sad at watching their friends leave the pack.

It’s not my problem they didn’t agree with their alpha and his mate who was a guy also.


“I'm sorry some of your pack members left.” I tell Alex later that night as we cuddled in bed.

It’s true, though. Over half of those people were from his pack. My pack was used to it though they didn’t know I would end up with a guy as a mate.

He nods, smiling into my chest. “It’s fine.” he says.

I kiss the top of his head. “Good, because I don’t care. Less people to hate on us.” I say as I bury my face in his long blond hair.

He sighs. “I know, me either.” He says and clears his throat. “Let’s change the subject.”

I nod. “Okay.” I reply.

We sit in silence for a while. I thought about adopting a kid. We could become a real family then. We could adopt a young alpha boy. I don’t want him to be a baby though. I want him to be able to talk already. Unless Alex wants a younger kid then I that’s fine.

“Alex?” I ask, breaking the silence.

He picks his head up off my chest. “Yeah?” he asks.

I look at him, in his eyes. “Do you want to adopt?” I ask him.

He nods, smiling. “Yeah. When can we?” he asks, sounding happy. I knew he would want a kid.

I smile back. “Whenever you want.” I tell him.

He jumps up, standing on the bed above me. “Tomorrow?” he asks excitedly.

I grimace. “How about we look tomorrow and make decisions later.” I suggest.

He grins and drops onto his knees, a leg on either side of me. “You’re the best!” he yells, leaning down and hugging me.

I smile, hugging him closely. “I know I am.” I say, chuckling lightly.

We fell asleep hugging like that.

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