Chapter 13

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Hello! well this will be the last upload for today mor than likely.. anyways..

Do your thang and appreciate! first commenter gets a dedication?!??!?



Chapter 13          *Alex’s POV*

“And sign here.” Nora says as we finish up the paperwork.

I sign my signature and set the pen down. Xavier would need to sign it when he was through packing Michael’s things. The little boy looked just like Xavier. Brown hair, green eyes, and everything. It was a miracle that we found a little boy that looked like one of us.

By the look in Xavier’s eyes I could tell he fell in love with the kid so I couldn’t say no to him. I also knew that he didn’t want to be stuck doing the paperwork when Michael was packing so I let him help Michael while I handled it.

I really did want a kid that looked like both of us or maybe even me, but Michael was adorable and looked like Xavier’s real son so I had to smile at that. It was adorable seeing a huge man sitting Indian style with a little boy that looked exactly like him.

“Alright all we need now is-” Nora was saying before the door slammed open, cutting her off.

I look to the door and see Xavier storming in with a little blond boy in his arms. “We are adopting Peyton, too, Nora.” He tells her sternly.

I clear my throat. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Xavier. One child is…” I trailed off as the little blond boy looked up at me. He had bright blue eyes.

“But he looks just like you.” he says, smiling.

He did. The little child, Peyton, looked like a mini me. I look to Nora. “We’re going to need more paperwork. But Xavier will be handling it this time.” I tell her, standing up and walking towards Xavier.

He looks at me with big blue eyes. “Who are you?” he asks in a little voice.

I smile at him. “I'm Alex.” I tell him.

He nods. “I'm Peyton.” He says.

I nod. “That’s a cool name. Can I help you pack?” I say.

He tilts his head, confused. “Pack?” he asks.

I nod, smiling. “We’re adopting you!” I tell him.

His eyes get bigger. “Does that mean I get to be Michael’s brother?” he asks excitedly.

I nod enthusiastically. “Of course!” I exclaim and take him into my arms and walk towards his room. He guided me to it and before I was able to close the door, Michael came running into the room.

“We get to stay together!” he yells to Peyton.

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