Chapter 16

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Hello! well this one if short.. and bad.. and i couldnt think of anything to do in this chapter! fogive me if you dont like it!

DUDES! GO READ MY NEW STORY "We Sit At the Same Lunch Table".. boyxboy and just go read it and appreciate it  :)

this is so bad that i wont dedicate it to anyone.. i think it would be a insult if i did xD

so yeah..

Do your thang and appreciate!



Chapter 16          *Xavier’s POV*

“Wake up, Daddy!” I hear someone yell the next morning. I open my eyes and see that Peyton and Michael are looking at me and trying to climb onto the bed.

I grin at them. “What’s up?” I ask them and help them onto the bed.

Peyton smiles widely. “We made you breakfast!” he says proudly.

I gasp. “No way!” I say, watching their faces as the beam at me.

Michael nods. “Yes way!” he tells me.

I raise an eyebrow at them. “And what did you make?” I ask.

“Pancakes!” Peyton says and starts pulling on my hand.

I get out of my bed and let them pull me into the kitchen. I sniffed and smelled the food, my stomach growling loudly.

The boys giggled. “Daddy’s hungry!” Michael yells as we walk towards the table.

I roll my eyes at them and sigh loudly. “Where’s my food?” I demand and narrow my eyes at them. “I'm so hungry that I might eat one of y’all!” I say and run at them.

They squeal and run away. “No!” they yell as I chase them around the table.

Alex clears his throat. “Freeze!” I whisper at them and freeze my body into a position that looks like I'm running.

The boys giggle, but do as I do, freezing. I see Alex shake his head out of the corner of my eyes.

“Come eat breakfast, guys.” He says and sets some plates down at the table.

“Yay! Food!” I exclaim, sitting at the table and eating a big piece.

“You don’t eat like that, daddy!” Michael scolds me.

I look at him and see that he’s cutting his.

I raise my eyebrow at him. “Tell your brother that.” I say.

Peyton was doing the same thing as me. Cutting it with his fork, leaving them in big pieces and eating them. He looks at us, confused.

“I'm eating right.” He says.

I nod. “You sure are!” I tell him.

Alex rolls his eyes and starts cutting his pancakes up into pieces like Michael. “Don’t teach him bad manners and pass me the syrup.” He says.

I pass him the syrup after pouring a little on mine and Peyton’s. He drenches his and Michael’s in syrup and I mock gasp.

“You’re killing the pancakes!” I say.

He rolls his eyes. “Shut up and eat.” He says.

I obey and stuff more into my mouth and chewing. I moan. “This is great!” I exclaim. Alex grins, but it quickly falls as I say, “You did a great job, boys!” I praise our little boys.

They beam. “Thanks!” Michael says as Peyton nods.

Alex snorts and rolls his eyes. “Yeah, great job, boys.” He grumbles.

Peyton smiles at him. “Don’t be a grumpy old man, mommy.” He tells Alex.

“Now that sentence didn’t make sense. You call me a grumpy old man, but you also say mommy.” He says, raising an eyebrow.

“You do have boy parts right, daddy?” Peyton asks.

Alex looks taken aback but nods.

“Well then you’re both a mommy and grumpy old man!” Peyton tells him.

Alex growls playfully and lunges at Peyton. Peyton squeals and runs away. I watch as the love of my life runs around the kitchen, chasing after one of our little boys. It made my heart squeeze. I had a family. And I loved every one of them.

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