Chapter 12

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Hello my readers! like i said, i was going to upload a few times today so here is another chapter! dont forget to vote and comment on the previous chapter-- and this one! well here is a long chapter! its probably my favorite so far because of the end!

Do your thang and appreciate!



Chapter 12          *Xavier’s POV*

“Are you ready to go?” Alex asked me the next morning.

We were about to leave to go to a few orphanages in the state. We were going to see if there were any alpha kids.

“Yes. Let’s go.” I tell him, chuckling.

We get in my car and I drive us towards the closest one. It was only twenty or so minutes away so we got their fairly quickly. I had to listen to Alex talk about how he described the kid he hoped he could find. He didn’t care how they looked as long they had brown or blond hair and was cute. He told me that he wanted the kid to look at least like one of us. I had smiled at that.

I pulled up into the drive way and turned the car off. I turned to him, smiling. “Ready?” I ask him.

He nods, smiling back. “Yeah!” he replies excitedly.

We get out of the car and walk up to the door. Before I was able to knock, the door opened and a few little kids ran out, chasing one another. We walk into the house and see more kids, young and older, playing in the house or watching TV. A lady was shooing some out of the kitchen when she saw us standing at the door.

She walked over to us, cautious. “May I help you?” she asks in a strong, protective voice. I smiled inwardly at that. She was protective of these kids and I was thankful. Not many people care.

Alex nods at her, smiling. “We just wanted to look for a kid. Do you have any alphas?” he says.

Her face brightens. “Oh yes! He’s playing in the game room. Follow me. By the way, my name is Nora.” She says and leads us to a room. She opens the door and a few little boys are laying on the floor playing a game. It looked like monopoly. The old version. Not the new kind that had a computer, calculator thing to keep track of the money.

An older boy was writing down the younger ones’ money since they were too young to add it all up. A little brown headed boy cheered as he picked up his little shoe piece and skipped ahead two places. It wasn’t much to older people, but to that little blond boy, it was a big achievement. I smiled as he gloats about it to the others that were watching.

Nora picked walked over and picked the boy up and walked back towards us, ignoring his protests. She set him down in front of us and he looks up at us with wide eyes. “Who are you?” he asked in his little kid voice. His ‘are’ sounded like ‘awe’ a little bit. He must be young.

I bent down to his height, well the best I could. “Hi, my name’s Xavier. What’s yours?” I say, reaching my hand out.

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