Chapter 14

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Sup, guys!? Well, upload time! I just wanna say how proud i am of everyone who voted and or commented! i got 11 on chapter 13, wanna try for 15?! i know i do! ;D It's short i know! forgive me! D:<

Well, first commenter gets a dedication! that person up there was first last chapter!

Do your thang and appreciate!



Chapter 14          *Xavier’s POV*

“I don’t wanna go to bed!” Peyton whined as I tucked them into one of the guest room’s bed.

It was after dinner and they didn’t want to go to sleep yet, claiming they haven’t explored anywhere yet. They wanted to see the new ‘territory’ as they put it. I think they wanted to run around in the woods or run around the village. I don’t know.

“Y’all can do that tomorrow after breakfast. It’s too late to do it tonight.” I tell them, placing their bunnies and teddy bears around them. They didn’t want to just sleep with one; they wanted all of them.

“Fine, daddy.” Michael said, yawning.

All of our eyes were wide, even Alex who was putting away their clothes and looked over at us.

I grinned at Michael. “Oh Mickey, you’re so cute.” I tell him and ruffle his hair.

He squeals and smacks my hands away, giggling. “Don’t mess up my hair, daddy!”

Peyton grins at him. “That’s my daddy, too!” he informs us.

Alex comes and stands beside me, smiling at them. “What about me?” he asks them.

Peyton giggles and hugs one of his bunnies to him. “You’re our mommy! Just like uncle Jared said!” he says.

Alex clears his throat. “I'm not a girl, Peyton.” He says.

Michael giggles with Peyton and says. “We know that! We just like calling you mommy! Is that alright?” he says with big eyes. Peyton joins in and I see Alex’s face softens at the sight.

He sighs and smiles at them. “Okay, but not in front of anyone else, okay?” he says.

The boys nod, grinning before laying back and snuggling together and falling asleep. It was adorable seeing them cuddle together. We tucked them in and left the room quietly. I opened the door to our room and took off my shirt and pants.

Alex chuckled. “Woah, there tiger. We don’t the kids need to hear that.” He says.

I roll my eyes. “You I sleep like this.” I tell him, heading into the bathroom to use the bathroom.

When I came back out, he was lying on the bed in just his boxers, face down. I snuck up behind him and laid down on him, my crotch at his ass. Oh yeah, naughty things.

He laughed. “Not tonight, babe. The kids don’t need strange noises the first night they’re here.” He says when he feels me hardening a little bit.

I sighed and rolled off of him. “I know, I know. I just can’t help that my mate looks irresistible all the time. Like he needs a dick up the ass.” I tease.

Alex scowls, and then laughs. “Well, he does. But just not tonight.” He retorts, grinning.

I groan and take him into my arms. We cuddle for a few minutes in silence. I'm glad we got the boys today. I just couldn’t help falling in love with them. They were so cute and they liked us. What more could I ask for?

I’m glad they liked the guys and tomorrow they will meet the pack. The pack will like them more than likely. Who wouldn’t? If they didn’t like them, then they can get over it. Mickey was going to be the next alpha and if someone objected then I will have a word with them. The alpha’s child was to be alpha unless there was a problem and the alpha didn’t have any kids.

Even if an alpha had a kid, that doesn’t mean they have the gene. If the child didn’t have the alpha gene then the pack would either recruit another alpha or there might be one in the pack and they would become alpha. It was a cycle that was sometimes confusing, but made sense. Confusing? Yeah, I know.

“Xavier?” Alex says, breaking me out of my thoughts.

“Hmm?” I reply.

“Thank you for letting us go looking for kids today. It worked out.” he says, a smile on his face as he looked at me.

I smiled back. “I'm glad we went. I don’t know what I would do without the boys. They already have my heart.” I tell him.

He laughs and nods. “I know what you mean. They have mine, too. It’s crazy though. We found two amazing boys that look like us.” He says.

I nod. “I know. It just worked out.” I say, repeating what he had said earlier.

He kisses me. “I just hope the future works out for them.” He says and snuggles into my chest.

I kissed the top of his head and held him tightly in my arms as we fell asleep.

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