Chapter 50

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| Fifty |

I step into the shower, desperate to feel the warmth it offered. Today had been emotionally exhausting, I had been constantly harassed by my own conflicted thoughts. But it was nothing new. Feeling the hot water trickle down my skin was refreshing, somehow seeming to ease my aching mind. I seemed to spend a little over an hour before silencing the water which had now become mere droplets by the twist of a handle.

I step out of the shower and wrap my exposed body with a towel, shutting the cold air out which had made an unwanted entrance as I left the warmth of the water.

Returning to my room, loud thudding interrupted my thoughts, watching the door swing open seconds later with a loud thump.

"Harry!" I scream.

His face occupied a melancholic expression before transitioning: standing back with a smirk crawling onto his face.

"Get out!"

"Ari I need to talk to you," He says softly.

"No! Get out,"

"Please," He whispers.

"I don't want to speak to you," I say.

I couldn't look at him: I prevented myself from inviting his eyes into mine. I clutch onto my towel, feeling uneasy by Harry's presence. I didn't understand why he decided to talk now, I told Liam I didn't want to see him today.

I hear his footsteps and before I know it, he is inches away. His hand gently stroking my wet skin though I hit him away.

"I'm sorry..."

"I don't want to hear it Harry, you lost your chance ages ago." I say. "Why are you here, huh? After weeks of ignoring me for what? Your mistake? There must be a reason for you to suddenly talk to me."

"Look I–I... I heard you broke up with Luke," He mumbles.

"What?" I whisper. "It's none of your buisness Harry, seriously,"

I sigh. He is driving me crazy.

"So you just think now that I am single, I'd want you?"

"It's not like that."

"What is it then Harry?" I say. "You've messed with me, you try to make me jealous when I do something you don't like. How can I trust you? You get pissed off because of something you did. You played me and weren't even going to tell me about it. You were just going to leave. I have so much to say to you but I'm not going to waste my energy anymore on this, you do not deserve me." I cry.

No matter how much I try, I can't stop the tears forcing their way down my face.

He looks down.

"Ari, please," he grabs onto my hand. "Look, I was just respecting you and Luke, that's why I've come now."

I look at him.

"I made a mistake, a horrible one, I know and I am so sorry." he says.

"I can't do this right now, please leave."

"Ariana just listen to me, I can't hold this back any longer."

"No, just leave!"


"Get out Harry!" I scream.

My face streamed with tears that my eyes stung. I didn't want to talk to him. I didn't, not when I'm so vulnerable right now.

But Harry isn't a guy to give up even when he should.

He pushes myself into him, cupping my face in his hands and presses his lips onto mine. He knew his touch was my weakness.

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