School Morning

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I opened my eyes, and I saw Adrien's face, inches from mine.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

He placed a finger over my mouth and smiled, "It's fine. Calm down."

I breathed in and out slowly, and looked around. I forgot I had spent the night in Adrien's house, in his BEDROOM. I was secretly flipping out.

"I see your eyes. They are gleaming with excitement and some fear." He said, staring deeply at me.

I laughed lightly, "Yeah, well, I'm only 15, and I slept in your bed. It's a little crazy if you ask me."

I heard a knock at the door. I untouched the covers from the corner of the mattress and walked over to the door.

"Who is it?" I asked, muffled by the white painted wood.

"It's me." I heard Nathalie's voice, "I have brought some clothes for you."

I opened the door and grabbed the clothes, "Thank you."

She smiled, nodded, and walked away. I looked down at the clothes. It was a big, loose, blue Old Navy sweatshirt, blue faded jeans, the necessaries (if you know what I mean), and tall brown Bearpaw fuzzy boots.

I walked into the bathroom, without saying a word, and changed. I walked out and Adrien was changed into a black shirt with a white jean jacket and jeans. His bag was slung over his shoulder. I picked mine up from the floor next to the bed.

"Hey, beautiful." Adrien said, walking over and kissing my forehead. "Ready to go?"

I felt myself blushing, even though I was used to his touch by now, "Yup."

Adrien had Plagg and I had Crest jump into my bag. We said goodbye to Nathalie and walked all the way to school. Everyone was still waiting outside for the doors to open, and it was freezing. My fuzzy sweatshirt did nothing to help.

I shivered and I caught  Adrien looking at me.

"Hey Adrien! Hi Violet!" Marinette said, noticing us.

Adrien grabbed my hand, "Morning Marinette."

She looked down at our hands, "Are you two...YAY!" She squealed.

She wanted this? what? I thought she loved him?!

"Hey Marinette! Um, yes we are actually dating. Why are you so happy?" I questioned.

She lit up, ready to explain, "Well, ever since I saw you two together I started forming this need of you guys to be a couple. I had a new ship coming on. I pushed my feelings aside and focused on the goal. Now that I see it, it's great!"

I had ships at my old school too, so I didn't blame her about getting overwhelmed by its power. When you want two people to be together so bad, it goes to your head.

"Hey bruh, hey dudes," Nino walked over, Alya close at hand.

We all said hi to each eachother and talked about what we'd be doing in class.

"Brrr, it's freezing!" I said, rubbing my arms.

Adrien smiled, and went up behind me. Then, I felt arms wrap around my body. He was hugging me from behind the waist, and it was absolutely adorable.

Marinette giggled, and Alya and Nino "awed." People everywhere around us were taking pictures.

"This is so going on my shipping blog, Lovers List. The fans will die." Alya stated, taking out her phone.

For the camera, Adrien kissed my cheek, still holding on tight from behind.

"You're too cute, my lady." Adrien complimented, referring to Cat Noir.

I laughed, "I'm too cute?! You're doing the best thing a girl can ask for. Girls love it when you hug them from behind."

Alya nodded, "Yup, it's true."

Nino smirked, "Maybe I should do it sometime, huh babe?"

Alya punched him in the arm playfully, "Yeah right."

Adrien turned me around, kissed my nose, and twirled me back so that he could hug me from the back again.

"Warm enough for you?" He whispered in my ear.

I snuggled in close, this was the best day of my entire life. I knew nothing could go wrong when Adrien was being adorable and my friends were being amazing.

"Miss me, Adri-Kins?"


I know this chapter is really short, but with school all week I've barely been able to post. The weekends are my crazy posting days. At least I had ideas in mind for this chapter, sorry about the cliffhanger, NOT. ;)

Ok well, cya next chapter, I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! Even though I've only seen, like, 2 views on the first and second chapters... My life ;-; ~Ally

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