Chapter 9 ~ V

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I slow down my swimming as we approach our city. Tobi notices and slows down enough to be by my side. 

"It'll be okay Vik. You technically were hurt."

"I know Tobs, but... you know how they are."

He pulls me in for a hug. I sniffle, but I refuse to start crying, because if I do, I know I won't stop. Crying is weird under water. You can feel the tears in your eyes, but they never technically "fall". I tighten my arms around Tobi and I feel myself start shaking from attempting to hold back sobs. We both know what could happen.

  Suddenly, something plasters itself to my back. It's slimy and warm, and it's freaking me out a bit.  I tense as the mass on my back starts moving. Tobi starts laughing at my discomfort. He pulls away from our hug and reaches over my shoulder.

"Looks like Kiara missed you."

I shake myself and my troublesome pet dislodges from my back. I spin around and reach out, my and connecting with the weird skin of my pet ray. I've had Kiara since I was a tiny mermaid. She had been my constant companion since before I met Tobi. Once I became friends with the other mermaid, Kiara pouted for a few months. After a while, she warmed up to Tobi and the three of us became inseparable. We weren't a nefarious trio, bu we were well known, for a ray is a surprisingly rare thing to tame.

My attention is brought back to the current situation when something starts nibbling on my face. I giggle, pushing the overly affectionate ray away.

"I missed you too Ki."

She nuzzles into my chest, her flaps wrapping around me again. She maneuvers her tail so it won't hit me.

"You are such a free loader. You swam here, you should be able to swim back."

"You spoil her. That's why she does this. She knows you're a sucker."

I start swimming again, my pace significantly slowed due to the lazy ray attached to me. The walls of the city come into view and my fear returns. Kiara starts a purring noise. That noise has always comforted and calmed me. I run my hands along Ki's back, the skin slightly scratching my hands as I trace around her.

"Just stay by me, Vik. Maybe we can make it back to your house without seeing them." 

I nod in response and speed up as much as I can. We dodge around people and buildings. We duck behind a group when Lachlan's posse appears. Lachlan isn't among them and that both relieves me, as well as puts me on edge.

Tobi starts to tug me one way, but as he does, something abruptly thrashes me the other way. Kiara goes flying off of me and I see her swim to be behind Tobi. I slowly raise my head and my blood runs cold as my eyes connect with blue orbs. They aren't comforting like Josh's friend, Simon's, are. They have storms rolling through them. The violence they have seen portraying itself through an icy glare, striking fear into those who dare look.

I hear the crowds around us grow silent, aware of the growing tension. The grip on my shoulder tightens, the claws digging into my skin. I whimper in pain, but quickly cover it when the eye's glare turns even colder.


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