A/N: Remember, I'm using the blue eye edit, Vik. SO Vik has blue eyes. Also, I'll try to go back and forth on perspective, but it depends on the circumstances. This is also kinda a soulmate AU as well, but more along the lines of a 'being with you feels right' soulmate thing, a natural pair.
I stare down at the mesmerizing creature. Their blue eyes piercing my dull ones with a look of curiosity and fear. I break the connection and observe them. His neck and shoulders are randomly covered in scales, the color being nothing I've seen on a fish before. I kneel down beside them, their eyes watching my movements. Keeping one hand on his cheek, I cautiously bring my other hand to his tail.
I'd heard the tales before. Mermaids that swim around this island. Most of us believing that one had never truly been seen, but just the words of a drunken sailor. They said if you were kissed by one, it brought you good luck on the open sea. Simon swore by it, claiming that he had been kissed by a blonde headed mermaid before he had joined our band. It's one of the reasons why we were here. We were all curious and we didn't want to miss an opportunity to call Simon's bluff. Looks like I lost the bet.
I slowly run my hands up their tail, stopping where the skin meet the scales, just below the hip bones. I could tell that he'd been here awhile, the scales feeling warm, probably heated up from the sun. The colors fascinated me, the pattern making it look like his tail was the night sky.
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I brush my hand against his hip bones. He squeaks and tries to move away, but I just stroke his cheek, the motion instantly calming him.
"You're beautiful."
I watch as his cheeks turn crimson as the blush spreads. Surprisingly, the scales on his neck turn a slight red as well. His head dips to hide, dislodging my hand from its' resting place. I chuckle at his shy demeanor. I tap his chin, but he doesn't look up at me.
"Hey. Let me see those pretty eyes."
He tilts his head, so he can look at me. His gaze connects with mine and I feel breathless. My hand reclaims its' perch on his cheek and I stroke my thumb across the prominent bone. He slightly nuzzles into my palm and sighs in contentment. His own hand reaches up and slowly makes its' way towards my face. Hesitating as he brushes my skin, his head tilts even more in a questioning manner. I smile at him and nod slightly, granting him the permission. His hand presses against my face immediately. It prominently covering my beard. He giggles as he scrapes his hand along the hair.
"What's so funny, fish?"
His back abruptly straightens and he cutely scrunches his nose at me. He huffs at me and moves my hands off of him.
"I am not a fish."
I savor the melodious sounds of his voice. Even though you can hear the tinge of anger, it still sounds angelic. I grab his hand and press a kiss to the back of it. He gasps as my lips press against his skin. I move back from him slightly and sit fully on the rock.
"I'm sorry love. What's your name?"
He stares at his hand in amazement. I grab it again to draw his attention back to me. His eyes snap back to me and I again lose myself in them.
"My name? It's Vik. And do your kisses bring bad or good omens?"
"What?! What do you mean by omens?"
He giggles at my confusion and moves closer. He scooches as close to me as he can and then grabs the back of my neck. Pulling my head down, he presses his lips to my forehead. A simple kiss, before he pulls back; cheeks burning with blush and scales again reddening.
"I just gave you a bit of good luck... What do yours do?"
"Mine work... A bit differently."
"Oh? How?"
He's like an eager puppy, ready to learn. His head is tilted and eyes alight with the promise of discovery.
"That's something you'll have to earn to know. My name is Josh by the way."
"How impolite of me! I'm sorry I never asked, Josh."
I perch my hands around his waist and he smiles shyly at the action. His arms go up around my neck and I tug him into my lap. It feels slightly weird, what with the tail and all. He snuggles into my arms, eyes scanning the water.