Chapter 4 ~ J

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Vik has dissolved into tears. He's sobbing into my chest and shaking uncontrollably. Simon has become uncharacteristically quiet. Small tears roll down his cheeks. In all honesty, I was a bit concerned, if all they had done was shared a kiss, why was he this upset?  I take a deep breath and go to question him when he suddenly interrupts me. 

"It wasn't just a kiss."

I nod my head solemnly, urging him to continue. He wrings his fingers together and hastily looks around. Determining that's it's safe, he begins to speak.

"When I first met my mermaid, it was right here. He was just sunbathing and I stumbled upon him. He tried to leave, but I was too infatuated with him so I stopped him. Begging him to stay. He did. We talked until the moon rose and I.... I fell in love with him. Never had anyone seemed so genuine to me and I was just drawn to him. We continued talking for a few days, but then my ship was leaving. He didn't want me to go, but he understood. Just before I boarded, I promised him I would come back. I went to leave and he pulled me down... and kissed me. Oh, Josh.... it was the most passionate kiss I've ever gotten. It haunts my dreams. I just... I want to see him again. To hold him in my arms. To return the kiss. I just. I love him. And now I can't ever see him again."

My heart broke as Simon finished his tale. Vik's crying had suspiciously stopped and I looked down at him. He was staring directly at Simon, face covered with a blank expression. It creeped me out a bit. He raises one hand, palm facing the sky. With the other, he swirls it around his outstretched hand. My eyes widen as the air above his palm takes on a purple hue. Slowly but surely, a figure starts to appear in the haze. As he sets his hand down, a flower appears in his palm.

 As he sets his hand down, a flower appears in his palm

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He brings the flower to his lips and kisses it.

"Aap meethe sapane ho sakata hai."

He hands the flower carefully to Simon, who accepts it with awe.

"Eat it right before you go to bed. It's charmed."

"With what? What did you say?"

He smiles and grabs Simon's other hand.

"You've shown true love to one of my best friends, who've I've lost. I granted you sweet dreams so you can, at last, have a peaceful nights sleep."

Simon's eyes fill with tears and he carefully sets the flower down. Once it's safely out of harm's way, he lunges at Vik and wraps him in a bear hug. I just awkwardly sit there as the two hug it out on my lap. Eventually, Simon pulls back and wipes the tears from his face.

"Thank you... Vik?"

"It's no trouble Simon... if what you say about your love is true, I know you haven't been sleeping. And yes, my name is Vik."

I want to question Vik on his sentence. What does love have to do with sleeping? Honestly, I'm just a confused human. Simon finishes wiping his tears and stands, grabbing his flower in the process.

"Thank you. I'm going to head back. I'll let the others know you are okay Josh, but hurry back. Jide is getting antsy."

He turns and makes his way across the rocks. Vik snuggles back into my chest and sighs, sniffling slightly. I run my fingers through his hair and look out over the sea.

"What did you mean?"


"By Simon not being able to sleep because of his love."

He shifts uncomfortably in my lap. He begins twiddling with his fingers, so I grab them. Stilling their nervous movements.

"I don't know how to say it without freaking you out. Um... Let's see. Uh, everyone in the world has someone that, um, is meant for them."


"Uh, yeah... And by the way Simon was talking, he and Cal are soulmates... And when soulmates are separated... bad... things happen."


"Well, I only know what happens to mermaids, I'm not sure what all happens for humans, other then the sleep thing Simon has... But um... it gets ugly."

"How so Star?"

"Um... After about two months of being separated, your tail will start to lose its' color. About a week after that your neck scales start to flake off, and it's a painful process. The nightmares start then as well as the insomnia. I don't know past that though."

He's shaking as he finishes. His eyes stare off across the water. I start rubbing his back in an effort to clam him. He draws in another breath and continues.

"It's w-what happened to Cal, before... before..."

He breaks down in sobs again. I watch in awed horror as the scales on his neck turn black. I pull him close and start rocking him back and forth in attempts to calm him. His cries quiet out, dissolving into whimpers. He turns himself so he can look directly into my eyes. I gently wipe the tears from his cheeks and kiss his forehead. He gives a small smile before returning his face to the stoic expression from before.

"Before what Vik."

"Before THEY found out."

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