Chapter 1 ~ V

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Author's Note: Fuck it, I'll give you guys the first chapter, so you can get a feel for the story. Don't expect an update for awhile. I am a slow writer. <3 



I continue pulling myself up the rocks. They slightly cut my tail as I drag myself along. I reach the peak and perch at the edge, enjoying the view. The slightly salty air blows over my face and I take a deep breath. I cough out the last remaining bits of water from my lungs and lay down. The sun beats down heavily. The water quickly evaporating from my skin and scales.





I hear grunting and rocks tumbling as Tobi finally decides to join me. I listen to the sloshing of the waves against the shore, the sea gulls shrieking, and the distant shouts of people.

Wait... PEOPLE!

I hastily sit up and look for the sounds of the noise. In the distance, I see a ship heading towards the land. I can just make out the outlines of their bodies. Some are pulling on ropes, while others move things around. Tobi finally makes it up to me and heaves himself onto the flat surface.

"Why are you always so difficult? We are in so much trouble."

"Tobi, shush. Look."

I point a finger at the ship that is growing closer. I could distinctly see six people. One at the helm, two climbing the ladders, one standing next to the helm, another in the crow's nest, and the last one is standing on the lip of the bow, using a rope to keep balance. I watch in amazement as they work together to bring the ship closer and closer to the land.

"Let's get closer."

Tobi begins to protest, but I can't hear him as I dive off the stack of rocks. I hit the water and take a deep breath, smiling as I twirl around. Nothing can beat the feeling of reentering the water after drying off. With a flip of my tail, I take off towards the ship. I feel anxiety curl up in my stomach.

What if they see me?

My curiosity overtakes the nervous feelings and I swim faster towards the ship. I'm about to break the surface when I'm tugged down into the darker and deeper waters.


"Tobi, it's okay. I'm always careful."

His eyes gleam with disappointment, but he releases the grip on my arm.

"Fine. I'm going back home then. Hurry up though, there's a storm coming."

"I'll be back before curfew, Tobi. I always am."

"I'll believe that when you actually make it."

I pull him into a hug as he speaks. His arms tighten around me and he places a kiss on my forehead.

"For good luck."

I watch as he swims off towards our home. I feel the current shift slightly. Tobi was right, a storm is brewing. I swim towards the surface, quite far away from the ship. This way, they won't be able to make me out if they look. By now, the ship has laid anchor by the shore. They even have a fire going on the beach. One is playing some sort of instrument, while some dance and others eat. I watch as they while away the hours with their merriment.

I gasp as a wave sweeps me closer to the beach. Overtime the sea had become rougher. The wind whistles dangerously through the trees on the shore, an omen of the approaching gale. But I choose to stay. Watching as the people pack up their belongings and take a small boat back to their ship.

Their ship begins to rock as the intensity of the waves increase. I feel myself losing the battle against the current. The sky opens up and rain falls heavily. Shouts of alarm sound from the boat as a streak of lightning cuts through the sky. I watch as they again, make their way to the shore.

Maybe it's safer than their ship.

A wave topples me over, forcing me back into the water. I roll as I get caught in the undertow. I try swimming towards the rocks, hoping to escape from the water's grasp.

I almost make it when another wave splashes over me. It thrusts me into the rocks, causing me to smash my head against them. Dizziness and nausea overtake my system and with shaky arms I climb the small rock formation. I feel the blood dripping from my wound as I reach a plateau. Raising my hand to the wounded area, I wince as another bolt of lightning illuminates the sky. I pull back my hand and examine it. Bright red. The lightheaded feeling kicks in and I lay down just before I pass out.

So much for making it back before curfew.

~Time Skip~

I hear shuffling near me and I lazily blink my eyes open. The sun shines harshly into my eyes and I raise my arms to block it. A gasp causes me to fully wake up, sitting up and moving towards the sea quickly. Hands on my shoulders stop my movement. Fingers brush along the scales that litter my neck. I shiver at the sensation, but don't turn to see who caught me. Slowly the hand works its' way up to my chin, grasping it lightly. A small tug moves my head and I'm met with hazel eyes. Beautiful hazel eyes.

Both of us gasp at each other, stunned. Why? I don't know. A smirk crosses their face as their eyes scan me, lingering on my tail and scales. They look back into my eyes and a genuine smile breaks out on their lips. The hand on my chin moves to caress my cheek.

"What do we have here?"

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