Teensierlist39 secret???

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"Hey what going on guy's Ssundee here and welcome back to another Factions video"Ssundee said as he said his Intro."(your youtube intro here)"You said."Helloooooooooooo MY crazy family"Crainer said as he did his intro too (what he felt left out xD)."well let's get into a call with our Factions which my faction is OP Crainer"Ssundee said as he logged out of the call with Crainer and you."see you Crainer"you said as you logged out of the call too (Crainer's all alone there no one here beside him xD)"ok who do we got all in here (the skype call)"Ssundee asked."Well you got me Y/n"You say as Ssundee looks at you with one of weird looks he gives you."well i'm Here"I say's."Who i'm???"Ssundee asked."Teensierlist39"I say as I Tp to the base."ok that's better"Ssundee saidas he also Tp to the base."Any body else here???"You ask as you were running around the base."Ambrew is here"Ambrew say's as he starts to make Potions."I think that all that's here"I say as I was looking though the chess's for some food."No Knickss is here"You say."Hey"Knickss say's as he just killed a Person and Tp to the base"who else is here???"I ask."I think that's it"Ssundee said."Ok I thought that for this video we work on our PVP skill's"Ssundee said as he Tp'ed to the War zone.

~Time skip~

"Gabrielle are you ok???"Every body asked."hum oh uhhh yeah i'm fine"I said as I stop zoning out of my thoughts."You Haven talk all video till now"Ssundee said which was true I didn't talk all video till now."yeah I'm fine I was just.............Thinking"I said as I was fighting."Ooooooh Do you have a Secret Admire???"You asked me as I started to blush."N-no I don't"I say as I was blushing MADDLY!!!!!probable as red as a tomato."well I should probable end this video here Thank you guy's for watching If your new to my channel hit that subscribe button along with that like button"Ssundee said (sorry i forgot his Outro x3)"(you youtube outro)"You said."Bye"I said to end the video and Ssundee,Ambrew,and Knickss left the the call."Wait Y/n before you log off can I tell you something that you promise you won't tell Ssundee about???"I ask you before you logged off of Skype."yeah sure what is it???"you ask me."Well i'm kind of am helping Crainer and I also got a Crush on Crainer"I say as I Blush a bright red."Can you some how see how Crainer feels about me PLEAZE!!!!!"I say as I do puppy dog eye's.

I decided that I would have a crush on crainer soooooooo yeah My character has a crush on Cranier 

Me*Blushing like crazy*

Ssundee:Ooooooooooh some has a Crush

Me:SHUT UP SSUNDEE!!!!!!!!!!!*run's after Ssundee*

Crainer*walks in*what going on???????

Ssundee Someone has a---

Me*tackles Ssundee*Someone hade a Party

Crainer:why wasn't I invited???????

Me:because...............Got to go BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*get's up and runs away*

 Crainer:ok then?????????

Me:but yeah see you next chapter BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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