Twisted Part Two

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Camille's POV

I woke up Cassidy was gone. She must've went home to pack her things. I threw on sweat pants and a jacket. I thew a bag on my bed then started stuffing it with clothes and things. When I was done I tiptoed down the stairs.

As If on que Cassidy pulled into my drive way. I got in the car throwing my bag into the backseat."She left we can go look for it now." She said pulling into the road. I nodded my head looking in the rear view mirror. The farther away my house got the more light my heart felt.

It quickly sunk as I thought about Trevor though. I was really leaving him. Who knows we could've worked out maybe. I sighed as we pulled up to Cass's house. We went up to her mom room and started to look for the money.

After an hour of looking Cassidy and I were sitting on her Mom's bed thinking."Do you know any specific places she would hide it?" I asked. "No. Ughh!" Cassidy threw a pillow at the floor frustrated. The pillow hit the floor with a thud.

"That didn't sound so soft." I said grabbing the pillow. Cassidy felt around inside of the pillow case for a moment then pulled out the bands of money."Yessss!" We screamed in unison.

I hug Cassidy tackling her on the bed."Let's go." She says standing up and running down the stairs. I followed behind. Her pace slowed down as she looks in her living room."Who are you?" I heard her say. I saw the women that was at the movies that day.

"Hey, Camille. I'm Lilly by the way." She said through her perfect teeth."Mille you know her?" Cassidy asked looking at me."More like recently met." Lilly answered. Everything was confusing me. How did she know where we were?

"Why are you here?" I asked. Just then the front door opened and two husky men dressed in black suits walked in."They have suitcases in the car, all clothes. Clean of everything else." The bald one said."Going somewhere?" She asked walking towards me.

I saw Cassidy pick a vase and hit Lilly over the head with It. One of the guys then grabbed her."Get off of her!" I yelled punching at his face. I felt hands grip my waist causing me to scream. The other guy grabbed my hair and forcefully hit my head on the table.

Now, you know how in the movies when you hit your head shit get blurry then you pass out? That didn't happen. When he hit my head on the side of the table I screamed. I could just feel the blood seeping out my open wound.

I heard the door open and before I knew it I was being pushed into a vehicle with a blind fold on. My hands were bound behind my back. There was a slam then everything went quiet. I wasn't sure I was in the backseat.

The engine roared then the car sped off forcing me too roll."Ouch!" I heard a familiar voice say. It had to have been Cass. Like really who else could it be."Cassidy? Are you good?" I asked trying move my hands to break free from behind my back.

"I'm fine just roll off of me." She said. I rolled the other way but failed when whoever was driving made a turn."Sorry." I whispered. I started to smell...paint? Are we in a trunk?

It felt as though we've been on the road for an hour. It was hot, I was sweating and the wound on my head throbbed in pain."Why is this happening?" Cassidy asked."How am I suppose to know?" I asked back. How am I suppose to why? Just then the car came to a stop. We heard the car doors slam. A breeze hit my skin giving me chills."Come on." I heard a voice say then Cass screamed.

"Get off of me!" I yelled as I felt arms pulling me out of the trunk."Okay." The grip on me loosened and I fell onto my face. I groaned rolling on my back. He chuckled then picked me up again.

I was sat in a chair. Not a hard chair but a comfortable seat. "Are you Camille or Cassidy?" Someone asked me. "Who's asking?" I questioned. "Take off her blindfold." I blinked rapidly as my blind fold was taken off.

I was in a big office. It had paintings on the walls, a white couch, and a flat screen. I was sitting at a desk. I looked at the bald guy behind me."Are you the that dropped me on my face?" I asked. He smiled slightly. I rolled my eyes turning my attention to the slightly handsome guy infront of me.

"I'm Cross and you know Lilly." He said as she sat on his lap. I rolled my eyes annoyed by her presence. I didn't even know her and I'm glad I didn't try to."What do you want? My mom is a druggie so we don't have any money." I said touching my cheek. I looked at my bloody fingers.

"That's a bad wound you got there." Lilly said with a grin. I looked at her sharply."I'll be fine. It didn't hurt anyway." I said loud enough for bozo behind me to hear. Cross looked at Lilly."Did I tell you I needed your help talking to her?" He asked rubbing her thigh. She shook her head no. He slowly traced from her thigh up her side and wrapped a hand around her neck.

"Then why are you here?" He asked squeezing. She let out a low moan."Get out." He whispered into her ear before letting her go. She stood up from his lap and disappeared out of the room.

"Trevor and Xavier, you know them yes?" He questioned. I nodded my head confused by all of this."Where's Cassidy?" I asked looking around the room. He started to shake is his head no."You are no longer asking the questions." He said as he pulled my head back behind the chair by my hair. I groaned feeling my pulse in my head from his tight grip. As far as I was concerned I had nothing else to say.

"Where is BossMan's current location?" He asked letting my hair go. "BossMan?" Just then there was a hot stinging sensation on the side of my face. He smacked me so hard I had fallen out of the chair."Last warning about who's asking the questions." He grumbled out. I traced my fingers slowly across my stinging cheek."I..I don't know who BossMan is." I managed to get out.

Cross stared at me for a moment."I think your lying to me." He said gripping my arm."But I'm not!" I yelled. Just when he raised his hand to hit me again the door opened. In walked to guys in all black holding motorcycle helmets. "Is It done?" Cross asked letting me go causing me to fall black to the floor."The cops came before we could get the headshots, but with the injuries they have? It's over with." One said sitting his helmet on the desk.

Are they talking about? Cross smiled looking at me."You heard that? Bye bye to Trevor and Xavier." He started to laugh. My heart started to speed up. Was he serious? I bit down my lip trying to fight the swelling tears from falling.

"Don't cry you and Cassidy will work for me until you tell where BossMan is." He said holding my face."I don't know who that is or where they are!" I cried. He smiled then kissed my forehead."I guess you'll be here for a long time then huh? Take her downstairs." Cross said before turning back to the two guys with helmets.

I tried to stop crying as I was roughly picked up by my bound arms. The bald guy walked down stairs and down a hall. He opened a door then forcefully pushed me in the room. I fell onto my knees. I heard the door close. Looking up I saw a bed in the middle of the room. It looked like a hotel suite, but inside of a mansion.

Cassidy was sitting on the bed with her head in her knees. Her eyes lit up when she saw me. I smiled because I was happy to see her too. She quickly ran and hugged me. My smile faded when I got a good look at her body. She had bruises on her arms and neck."What happened to you?" I asked when I probably already knew the answer."I could ask you the same." She said untieing me.

I rubbed my wrist then reached my arm out to touch over her arm."No. Everything hurt." She said pulling away from me. I just couldn't understand. Why this was happening to us? Everything in my head was twisted.

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