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(Picture of Leslie above )

Trevor's POV

Camille crying and shit. It bothers me, but she has to be strong. We're going to get them, but we can't just walk in and do that. I hung up the phone and put my head in my hands. Yo this is wild. Just then Xavier walked in the room and threw my jacket into my lap." Let's go." I stood up and started to put on my jacket as I followed him to the car. We pulled up not even to what looked like another hotel." Yo you sure this the place dawg?" I asked getting out of the car. " Yeah." I shrugged my shoulders and walked in. I was relaxed, but alert. We took the elevator up tp the thirteen floor. We walked up to door 345 and knocked.

Xavier and I were greeted by a redhead. She was about 5'2 and was thick. She looked good, and was only in a robe." May I help you?" she asked taking her long hair out of a ponytail and running her fingers through It." BossMan sent us." I said trying not to look at her body. It was hard because she was sexy, but I know that I love Mille. Cass was on the news, but Camille wasn't. I'm a little confused about why. I'll just ask her when I see her again."Come in." she said walking into the hotel. Xavier and I stepped in. We looked around as we made our way to the couch. Her suite looked good. Must be a master room." I'm Leslie." She held her hand out for us to shake." Not to be in y'all business or anything, but how do you know BossMan?" I asked clearing my throat.

A smile appeared across her face. " We're fucking, Excuse me I'll be right back." As soon as she left me and Xavier bust out laughing." Ah mannn." he said looking at the ceiling. She came back with two duffels bags." Here you go." Leslie handed them too us. We thanked her and left. We went back to our spot. Spreading all the guns on the bed and loading we started to pack the guns back into the bag. We put some guns around the house just in case. I looked down at my phone. It was a text from BossMan.' 3214 Pine Ave. Malcom' "He gave me an address and name." I said putting a duffel bag in the trunk.

We pulled up across the street from the house. A black SUV pulled into the drive way. We watched who we was guessing to be Malcom get out of the vehicle. The the passenge side door opened and a women got out. She opened the backseat door pulled a little girl out and carried her inside. When they went in Xavier started to get out of the car, but I stopped him. " Wait.." He looked at me for a minute then closed his door. We waited for about twenty minutes. " You ready?" Xavier asked me as we walked up to the front door. " Yeah." I kicked down the door and pointed my gun. " Get up!" I yelled at the woman sitting with Malcom on the couch. She screamed putting her hands in the air. "He said get up not put your hands up." Xavier said pointing his gun at Malcom. " Man y'all coming to a nigga home and shit." Malcom said shaking his head. Xavier pistol whipped him.

The girl screamed once more. " Yo shut. Up." I pulled her into a chair and tied her up. Xavier did the same to Malcom." If you cooperate we can leave here peacefully." I explained. Xavier put his gun away." Where is Cross?" he asked. Malcom drew up some hulk spit and spat on my shirt." Oh fuck no." I grabbed his girl taking the duck tape off of her mouth." What's your name?" I asked untying her. Xavier looked at me with a face that said nigga what are you doing, but went along with it anyway." A-Angel.." she sounded scared for her life. I don't like making her feel like that but, her boyfriend or what he was at the moment was being an asshole. I put my gun to her head. She started to scream from the corner of my eye I saw Xavier walk towards me. He annoyingly pistol whipped her. She fell to the floor face first. She looked up at us with a busted lip. " Ayo! Chill!" Malcom yelled trying to get out the chair.

"Do you love Angel?" I asked putting my gun back to her head. She looked him and he looked us." Yes I lov-..." I pulled my retriever back." Tell me the address or I promise you.. I'll pull this trigger." Just then I heard a light cough come from the middle of the hallway. Everyone turned to see a little girl holding a blanket and teddy bear. " Daddy?" she rubbed her eye and scratched her head. She was in a onesie. She paused when she saw what was going on. " Go back to bed and Daddy will come tuck you in just a moment." Malcom said. "but daddy.." He cut her off in the middle of her sentence." Go Emerald!" He yelled. Xavier and I slowly put our guns away. I walked over to the little girl and picked her up. I carried her back to her room and put her in her bed.

She looked at me wide eyed. Her freckles caught my attention. I don't want this little girl to grow up with out her parents so I hope her Dad will cooperate." Who are you?" she asked as I was leaving. I came back into her room and sat on the edge of her bed." I'm a friend of your dad's." I replied. I usually don't do this having to explain why stuff, but something told me to answer her so that's what I did. She let out a yawn. " Is Mommy and Daddy going to be okay?" I nodded my head yes. Just then we heard a gun shot. Emerald jumped into my arms. " I'm scared. Your Daddy's friend so you'll protect me right?" she asked. I was froze with a little girl In my arms. "Yeah, but your Dad wants you to go to bed." She slowly laid back down. I watched her blinking slow down until her eyes were completely closed.

"What the fuck?" I asked Xavier as I starred at Angel's dead body on the floor. " She tried to attack me." I looked at Malcom who was snapping in the chair. I never saw a grown man cry until that moment. " Just tell us the address Malcom." Xavier asked. I put my gun away to reassure him we were done with the shooting." He shook his head. It was sad because even when he does tell us the address we still have to kill him. Can't have any witnesses." 4024 Maplebrooke." I looked at Xavier. " Now was that so hard?" Xavier asked. Then he shot Malcom in the middle of the head. "What do we do about the girl?" I questioned. He looked at me for a minute. Neither of us had It in us to kill a kid. He shrugged his shoulders and started walking to the car.

I started walking with him. It was eating me inside thinking about how she was going to wake up and see her parents dead. That's going to traumatize the fuck out of that little girl. " I'll be right back." I ran back into the house. I wrapped her up in a blanket and carried her to the car. "YO how did I know you was going to do this." Xavier said as I closed the backseat door. " Sometimes I think I let my heart get the best of me.

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