Everything Is Okay

18 1 0

Camille's POV

I stared at Cross wide eyed. My world had slowly fallen apart. Cass and I went from trying to get out of our homes to this. I would take my house over this any day. Now my bestfriend of years is dead. I was so deep into my thoughts I didn't notice Cross coming towards me." I like you Camille. You're strong." His voice echoed through my ears into my mind. Hearing him put fear through my body. He lifted the chin up with the gun forcing me to look into his eyes.

" I'll give you a chance to walk out that door right now. All you have to do is tell me where BossMan is." I looked at his face confusingly. All this has been about him. This person that I've never heard of in my life was the whole reason I was here." What makes you think I know who that is? I never heard of anyone named BossMan."

I looked over at Lilly who was on the floor passing out from being beaten." You should know who he is..." He said with a chuckle. I should know him? Why would he say that? " How should I kn-..." My sentence was cut off when we heard gunshots echoing through out the mansion. Cross froze and listened a for a second." Let her go. Go get whoever is shooting in my home..." Tate and Rosewald left immediately.

Cross picked up his chair turning it to face the door. He stood beside It and pointed the gun at me." Get up and sit in the chair." I did as I was told sitting in the chair. He placed his hand with the gun in It behind me leaning on the chair a bit.

" I want you to see shoot these people." The gunshots finally got quiet. The opened Xavier and Trevor were pointing their guns at Cross. He gave them a death glare then put his gun to my temple." I thought you were dead..." Cross said then he started touch my hair but I moved away disgusted." We could ask you the same. Now give me my girl." Cross shook his head pulling the retriever back on his gun." Now see, You could put the guns down or I could kill her. I'll give you Ten seconds."

Cross started to count down from ten. I started to pray in my head hoping I get out this alive." You'll never be like BossMan." Trevor said shaking his head and gripping his gun tighter. Cross never showed emotion. " I'm better than my brother-..." There was a loud bang. For a moment I thought It was me. I thought I had been shot and I was gone. I heard Cross's body hit the floor behind me hit the floor. My body was frozen from shock. Trevor grabbed me out of the chair. He put his jacket around me then picked me up bridal style." I'm here. Everything's going to be alright baby." Tears started to run down my cheeks. I remembered that Cassidy was gone. My heart was sunk into my stomach." We can't leave Lilly..." Just then Xavier picked her up bridal style. They carried us to the car placing us in the backseat. Xavier got into drivers seat and Trevor got in on the other side. He pulled off driving away from the house.

I didn't notice I had fallen asleep until I woke up on this white couch in a hotel." She's awake!" I heard a soft voice yell. I sat up looking at the little girl that was staring back at me. She was light skinned with freckles. Her hair was naturally long and curly. " I see you met Emerald. Go watch TV for me Em. " Trevor said sitting down next to me. She got up going to the back room." She's pretty. I um.. never knew you had a daughter..." I put my head down. To be honest I was disappointed that he had a child. I really felt for him and If she's that beautiful her mother must be gorgeous." She's our daughter." Hearing those words I broke out of my deep thought." What?" I asked confused.

"We killed her parents. They were working for Cross. And-"

" And what? Now we're suppose to care of her? I'm not ready for a child I-" Trevor grabbed me by my shoulders making me freeze. " Camille I love you but If I send her to foster care they are going to ask questions." He placed his lips on mine. They were soft and I missed them. I closed my eyes and all I could see was Cross's face. I jumped away from Trevor. " Mille you okay?" I nodded my head. Truth is I wasn't okay. At all, I was traumatized by what had happened to me. " Cassidy..." I tried to hide the tears swelling in my eyes." She's in the hospital Mille." I looked up at him. Could he be..But Cross said she.." I-I thought she was dead." I said sniffing.

"Nah she's at the hospital. We should go see her in a bit."

I nodded my head yes." And Lilly's in the back with Emerald." He said just as I opened my mouth to ask. He started to look at me with a facial expression that I couldn't read." What?" I asked." Cassidy was on the news. Her mom reported her missing. Baby how come your mom didn't report you?" I starred at him. The tears found it's way to the corners of my eyes. Should she have reported me? I was leaving her anyway. How is that fair? I don't know. Without even noticing Trevor had called me several times." Hm?" I said coming out of my deep thought. He shook his head.

" Nothing."

" I'm going to check on Lilly..." I said getting up going into the back bedroom. " She's still sleep." Xavier said laying on the couch. Emerald was sleep in a hut on the floor. She looked so pretty sleeping. I sat on the bed next to Lilly. She had a black eye and busted lip. " We're about to go see Cassidy." I explained. She nodded her head sitting up in the bed a bit." Go I'll stay here with the kid."

"Her name's Emerald." A smile crept it's way on to my face. I stood up leaving the room. I couldn't wait to see her.

I think I'm going to End this book here. Should I make a sequel?

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