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Bucky has a crush on the new neighbor and Steve ruins it

Voices filter through the door from the hallway. Bucky looks up, brow furrowed as he tries to place them. One of them is clearly Sam's, but the other voice is less familiar. A low, beautiful rumble speaking in accented English. His heart skips a beat. Bucky sets down his post work out shake and strains his ears to listen. But their voices are muffled through the wall and he can't make out a single word.

A moment later, the front door opens, and he no longer has to wonder what's going on beyond his walls.

"Hey, thanks again man! I'll be right over!" Sam says enthusiastically.

Bucky blinks, completely caught off guard. What's happening? What's—oh. It's him. His ridiculous, teenage-level infatuation, can't get him out of his mind- crush.

"It's no problem at all. I'll see you soon," the other man says, a lovely grin on his face that Bucky can't help but stare dumbly at.

Bucky must look like an idiot, as he gapes slack-jawed at the stranger, with his shake hanging in midair halfway to his mouth... and he realizes this when both men turn to him, and an awkward moment passes when no one says a thing.

"Buck? You alright there?" Sam asks, an eyebrow raised, amusement written on his face at his roommate's expense, along with the barest hint of concern.

"Wha—I—uh—hrmmph—" Bucky blushes red at the embarrassing sound that came from his throat. Heat rises all the way to the tips of his ears. He clears his throat quickly and tries to make the best of the situation. "H-hi... hello..."

"Hi." The stranger's voice is warm and soft, and he grins at him in a way that makes Bucky think his legs might give out soon.

Bucky opens his mouth to reply, to say something—anything. But his mind's gone blank and he's clearly a lost cause because Sam rolls his eyes and turns back to the stranger.

"My roommate Bucky. Don't mind him. He's... not usually like this."

Bucky silently curses Sam under his breath. But their neighbor just grins and it's so radiant that Bucky goes from being mad at Sam to thanking him for bringing him here to grace their apartment with his presence.

"I hope to see you both soon." The other man turns to Bucky to give him a small wave, and then he's gone to continue down the hallway to his own apartment. Apartment 203. Not that Bucky knows this because he's a stalker or anything. He just happened to notice what apartment the guy goes in to. It's not weird at all.

Sam finally closes the door behind him and Bucky's shoulders sag like a bag of bricks.

"You know him?" Bucky whispers under his breath like the guy might somehow still be listening.

Sam gives him a look like he's lost his mind. "Yeah dude, that's our neighbor. Real friendly guy."

Bucky stares at his roommate as envy seethes deep into his chest. He's been in this rut for weeks! What he'd give just to have a single conversation with the guy! And Sam has the audacity to act like it's no big deal.

"What's his name?!"


"T'Challa," Bucky repeats softly, testing it on his tongue.

"Yeah he's from Wakanda. He's only been in the states a few weeks. A bit of a culture shock for him," Sam says with a soft laugh.

"I can't believe you talked to him," Bucky moans.

"What, you got a crush on him or something?" Sam teases.

"I've been trying to talk to him for weeks!" Bucky throws his arms up in distress, protein shake completely forgotten. "Every time I'm in the elevator with him, he's on the phone—speaking some foreign language that I can't understand, but oh my god he's hot as hell."

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