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T'Challa accidentally sets his kitchen on fire and is rescued by a very hot fireman 

T'Challa hates cooking. He's used to chefs doing that for him, but after leaving Wakanda to try and live a normal life for a change, he's made some mistakes along to way.

For instance, he flooded his apartment when he forgot to turn to water off when he was planning on taking a bath. When he went to try and hook up his X-Box, his power went off when the wires snapped. And now, his kitchen was on fire.

He was coughing, and some people from his floor had to evacuate the building. T'Challa defienetly screwed up this time, putting his fellow apartment mates in trouble.

"The fire department is here, everyone stay calm. Where's T'Challa?" the landlord asked and everyone looked around and in shock. Everyone in the building knew him, and they had no clue where he went.

T'Challa had gone back up, he had forgotten the one thing he said he would save if anything were to happen. His father's ring. He died a year ago, and he was still holding on to that momento for dear life, and now he was basically setting himself up for danger by going back for it.

"I'll get him,"

"Barnes, you sure?"

"Yes Clint, now stay and make sure everyone is alright. Give me 5 minutes,"

Bucky Barnes was the newest recruit for the local fire department. He served in the army for a while, and even got injured to the point where he had a metal left arm. The others accepted him immediately, and he made friends with Steve Rogers and Clint Barton who also were army men. Sam Wilson was as well, but they had a love-hate friendship. Frenemies if anything.

He entered the smoke filled apartment, and heard loud coughing coming from the bedroom down the hall.

"Hello!" Bucky yelled and saw no one in the bedroom. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, and then saw a foot under the bed and sighed in relief.

"Sir! Can you hear me?"

Nothing. Dammit.

"Shit," he muttered under his breath and lifted the bed and gasped seeing the man unconscious, clutching onto a ring as if his life depended on it. He was very attractive as well, but Bucky needed to get him out of here.

He crouched down and lifted the man in his arms, and quickly exited the building.

"Is he alright?" one woman asked and Bucky ignored her, respectfully, and gave the man- T'Challa- CPR. He started to regain consciousness, and Bucky smiled seeing his eyes opening. They were big and brown, and Bucky couldn't believe he was actually checking him out. He was close to dying 5 minutes ago.

"What happened?" T'Challa asked coughing. He looked to his savior, and blushed realizing they had kissed.

"You were unconscious under your bed, I got you out,"

T'Challa was swooning, and the hot fireman was giving him a charming smile he knew made anyone weak at the knees. His included.

"Thank you uh-

"James. But call me Bucky,"

"Thank you Bucky, I'm T'Challa,"

Bucky smiled and helped him up. When T'Challa noticed the ring nowhere to be seen, he panicked.

"What's wrong?" Bucky asked confused.

"The ring, I went back to get it,"

Bucky reached in his back pocket and handed it to him. "This ring? You were holding it when I found you,"

T'Challa sighed in relief, and he started tearing up a bit. "It was my father's before he died, I just wanted it safe with me just in case,"

Bucky nodded in understanding, and when Clint and the others informed him that everyone was ok to go back inside, T'Challa was walking away with the others when the fireman stopped him.

"Wait, T'Challa. I don't usually um- ask this to people I save but uh- would you like to go out sometime?"

T'Challa looked at him in shock and blushed nodding in agreement. "I'd love to,"

Bucky grinned and gave him his number, and saw Steve smirking at him from the truck. He knew he wouldn't here the end of this back at the house.

"Oh and by the way, I definitely enjoyed giving you CPR,"

T'Challa blushed when seeing his neighbor Natasha smirking at him, and Bucky laughed seeing his reaction. He couldn't wait to hear that sound again.

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