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T'Challa is the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. Bucky is his new assistant 

"Look, Marcie isn't here. Again. I won't tolerate repeated failures. Fire her, and hire someone else. By tomorrow." T'Challa placed the phone back on the hook with an irritated sigh.

It didn't used to be so hard to find reliable help. But the CEO of Wakandan Industries was finding it harder and harder to maintain a relationship with an assistant.

Maybe it was partially his fault. He tended to be a little...demanding. T'Challa lead a Fortune 500 company, what else did you expect?

Now that Marcie had suddenly run off, his whole day was all mixed up. He groaned at the stack of papers on his desk that he now had to take care of by himself.

If he didn't have a new assistant by tomorrow, someone else was getting fired.


The next morning wasn't any better. No assistant meant no coffee, and no coffee meant an Unhappy T'Challa. He took his coffee a specific way, no drip for him. T'Challa was peculiar about some things. And his coffee was one of them.

He thought about ordering someone out to Starbucks, but he wasn't in the mood to talk to any lackeys. T'Challa sulked through presentations by those very same lackeys - numbers, data and metrics. Afterwards, he stormed his way back to his office, his employees avoiding him like the plague. T'Challa was a good and fair boss. But he had his days.

This was one of them.

T'Challa pushed open the glass door of his office. He looked up, and was surprised to see a pair of blue eyes staring at him.

There was a young boy in his office, holding a stack of papers, a coffee on the desk in front of him. When his eyes met T'Challa, he scrambled out of the chair in front of his desk nervously, almost bringing the stack of papers down. He moved closer, and put a hand out for T'Challa to shake.

"Hi, sir. I'm your new assistant, Bucky Barnes."

He'd never had a boy assistant before.

T'Challa accepted the shake, pleasantly surprised by Bucky's firm grip. "Pleased to meet you. I'm T'Challa. This is my company."

Bucky smiled up at him, a couple of inches shorter. "I know - I'm a big fan."

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" T'Challa wasn't too keen on having a 'fan' as his personal assistant.

"I'm a business major," Bucky explained. "We do a whole unit on Wakandan Industries. You built this place from the ground up, and now you're the best firm on the Eastern seaboard at the least, probably in North America," he exclaimed.

"I know," T'Challa said amusedly. "But that doesn't mean I don't like hearing it." He leans back in his leather office chair, watching Bucky interestedly. "You must be pretty brilliant if they gave you the job."

"Uh - well I do okay," Bucky said, seemingly a bit embarrassed. "Oh! I almost forgot, I brought you this."

Bucky pushed the lone Starbucks cup over in his direction, and he almost feels his mouth water. He's so desperate at this point, he'll drink anything.

"What is it?" he asks curiously.

"Cold brew, heated up. 1/3 almond milk one shot of caramel." Bucky grins slowly. "Three ice cubes."

T'Challa has it up to his lips in an instant, downing a third of the lukewarm beverage quickly. "Oh my god. Who told you?'

Bucky looks confused, and its an adorable look on him. "Told me what?"

"To bring me coffee?" He clarified. "That I hadn't had any, and my order?"

His face flushes. "I - uh. No one did. I read about it in BusinessInsider. About your order." Bucky looks anywhere but at T'Challa's face.

T"Challa is surprised. Floored. Few things surprise him these days. But kindness, genuine kindness always gets to him. Before he can stop himself, T'Challa is reaching across his large desk. He tilts Bucky's chin up so he meets his eyes, the boys cheeks somehow becoming even pinker.

"Hey," he said softly. Bucky finally meets his eyes. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." T'Challa lingers for a moment, fingers touching a bit of stubble that seemed to want to grow in. Up close, Bucky was even more striking, fair-skin waiting to be marked, and lovely cheekbones. His eyes were beautiful, and his hair was that in-between length; seemingly unsure if it wanted to be long or short.

T'Challa backs away slowly, feeling a little warm himself. "Thank you, Bucky. Honestly. I really needed that today. You are appreciated."

Bucky smiles. And he never ever forgets T'Challa's coffee.


Bucky is brilliant.

A senior in NYU's cutthroat business school. Recently voted one of the schools top young minds of the year. A candidate for valedictorian later in the spring. But throughout his impressive resume, were examples of his kindness.

Bucky volunteered several hours a week at a hospice care facility. He organizes an annual walk for suicide prevention. He even was responsible for some of NYU's more recent plans for inclusion, after being inspired by his best friend Steve Rogers and his partial deafness.

T'Challa was enamored.

Because through it all, Bucky was adorably shy. Humble to the point where T'Challa questioned his self-esteem levels. He worked just as late as T'Challa did(so he made a point to leave at a reasonable hour). He smiled easily, lighting up when praised.

All T'Challa wanted to do was press the boy up against the glass windows of his office, and give him the kissing of his life. He wanted to mark Bucky's throat, make sure everyone who saw knew that the boy was his.

He can't remember the last time he fell this hard.

T'Challa wants Bucky. But he can't have him.

He's his boss, he's at least fifteen years older than him - he can't, he won't bring Bucky down with him. He's got his whole life ahead of him.

But every time he looks at Bucky, T'Challa wonders if he's smiling like that for someone else. If anyone else gets to see that lovely color in his cheeks.

"Great work on that presentation, Bucky. Everyone loved it." he says.

Bucky blushes, and T'Challa wants to kiss each of his red cheeks. "Did you? Like it, I mean?" he asks, to T'Challa's surprise.

"Aren't I everyone?" T'Challa says haughtily. Bucky laughs. "Yes, of course. You're very talented."

Bucky mumbles a thank you, but doesn't look away, remembering his rule from their first meet.

'Good boy.' he thinks.

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