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Bucky goes to an underground fight club

I don't know how Sam convinced me to go to one of his 'after school activities', but the begging and puppy dog eyes were just getting annoying so I said yes.

"Sam, how much longer? We've been walking for a long ass time," I whined feeling the bottom of my converse burning beneath my feet.

"Stop bitching Barnes, we're almost there,"

Besides playing GTA 5 , World of Warcraft, Assassins Creed, and all those other games that involve fighting Sam enjoys watching them as well. So, here we are, in a sweaty and dimly lit place with a huge cage in the middle of the room. We're in an underground fight club, watching an old friend of Sam's take on some guy who's never been defeated.

Sam suddenly stopped in his tracks, and I bumped into his back and sighed as he said "Ok, here we are,"

"Finally," I said under my breath. We walked down a long hallway, and suddenly I was hearing loud chants and a bell going off.

"Welcome to the Underground Fight Club Bucky," Sam said and I looked around in shock. How does someone who apologizes to bugs when he squishes them find a place like this? I for one, dress like I would come here often but I'd rather be home watching cupcake wars.

"Sammy! Glad you could make it," said some blonde, buff guy who looked like a puppy but could probably flip a table without breaking a sweat.

"Steve! This is my roommate Bucky," Sam said introducing us, and I shook his hand.

"Hey man, so you a fighter?" I asked and he nodded. "Sure am, but I'm just here to support an old friend of Sam's from college, what's his name again?"

"T'Challa, he's from South Africa,"


Once we got to our seats, Steve handed me a beer which I gladly accepted. Sam was grinning like he was at the circus, and not at an illegal fight club.

"An now, we welcome to the cage....T'Challa!"

The whole place was booming with clapping, and screams of people who were just a little too excited.

Ok, so I usually don't let my gayness get the best of me but, damn T'Challa is really hot. He has dark brown eyes, and pretty dark brown skin that was covered in sweat. He was wearing dark blue shorts, and black sneakers. I was in awe.

"And his opponent, the undefeated Brock Rumlow!"

Sam and Steve were 'boo'-ing with everyone else, and I was too busy staring at T'Challa to realize the match was coming to an end.

T'Challa threw the last punch, causing Rumlow to spin to the ground and the bell rang after the ref checked to see if e was coming back up for more.

The crowd went wild, and I was grinning like an idiot seeing T'Challa smile and shake Rumlow's hand. Even after beating his ass he's still humble.

"Bucky c'mon, let's go say hi," Sam said and Bucky was released from his swooning session as he saw his friends dragging him towards where T'Challa was. He was surrounded by women, and was pushing them away as if he wasn't interested. But, a few guys came up to ask for a photo and he was more then happy to. I guess that answered Bucky's question if he's straight or not.

"T! Great match man, I knew you could do it!" Sam exclaimed hugging his friend, and Steve was also congratulating him and Bucky was just staring. Sam looked at his roommate and smirked knowingly. He figured Bucky would take a liking to T'Challa, but he didn't expect it to happen this fast.

"This is my roommate Bucky,"

Bucky half heard what Sam was saying, and smiled shyly at T'Challa who was giving him a bright smile.

"Nice to meet you," he said with his thick African accent making Bucky mentally swoon. "Did you like the match?"

"Yeah, I uh loved it. You were great," Bucky replied and T'Challa blushed.

"Will I be seeing you here more often?" he asked with a hint of hope in his tone.

Bucky's eyes widened in amusement then nodded in reply. "Yeah, of course,"

"Great, here's my number. See you around,"

Bucky held the paper in his hand, and saw Sam and Steve winking at him from the bar they were at.

Maybe he should get out more often.

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