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T'Challa hates karaoke, but not when someone surprises him with the voice of an angel

"Sam, for the last time I'm not going to karaoke night with you,"

T'Challa had tried for about an hour now to convince his friend that he was somewhat allergic to public outings, especially ones that involved people singing songs from 2005 off key.

"T c'mon, maybe you'll meet someone," Sam suggested with a smile. T'Challa rolled his eyes. Sam was a terrible wingman, and he thought the Wakandan actually needed help picking up a guy. He was just too lazy to go outside and interact with people, he rather stay home with his Netflix account and salt and vinegar chips.

"No, I'm staying home,"


Sam somehow got him outside, and T'Challa was regretting it as soon as they entered the bar. There were mostly old men here, and a few teenagers who were dying to sing the latest Ariana Grande song.

"So, I picked a song out for you,"

T'Challa froze. He cant sing!

"Sam, you have 5 seconds to run before I kill you,"

Sam only smirked, and saw his friend Steve approaching them.

"Hey man, where's Bucky?"

Bucky. T'Challa had met him twice, and he was a pretty nice guy, and the dark skinned male had a very obvious crush on him.

"He'll be here soon, traffic on the bridge,"

Sam nodded, and they sat at a table and ordered drinks. After a while, Bucky finally showed up.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late,"

T'Challa froze hearing his voice, and saw Sam smirking at him. He knew of his friends crush on the ex-military man, but he just liked teasing him about needing to find someone just to cover himself.

"No worries, I put us on the list. T'Challa is up first,"

Bucky giggled. T'Challa loved that sound, he could hear it all day if he could. But, in the back of his mind he thought Bucky was straight, but he in fact wasn't at all. in fact, he's been eyeing a certain Wakandan since they met, but neither of them had the guts to confess first.

Soon enough, T'Challa's name was called from the stage, and he shot Sam a death glare and blushed when he saw Bucky giving him a thumbs up. Steve had his phone out ready to record him. Some friends he has.

Sam chose probably the most embarrassing song for him. Katy Perry's 'Roar'.

Bucky was in awe the whole time though, even if he was off key the whole time. Just seeing him up there was enough for him. As for Sam and Steve, they were laughing their asses off, and clutching their stomachs from the pain of laughing too hard.

T'Challa soon stopped singing, and he left the stage in a rush.

"Great job," Bucky told him and T'Challa blushed and muttered a 'thanks'.

Bucky was then called.

"I would like to dedicate this song to someone special,"

T'Challa was confused, he didn't see anyone walk in with Bucky. But Sam and Steve had a knowing look on their faces.

Bucky's song was 'The Heart Wants What It Wants' by Selena Gomez. The whole time he sang, T'Challa fell more and more for him, he had no idea Bucky was hiding such an angelic voice. And to top it all off, he was looking right into T'Challa's eyes the whole time.

Once the music stopped, everyone clapped and Bucky stepped off the stage blushing mad.

"Wow, I had no idea you could sing," T'Challa said in awe. Bucky chuckled a bit flustered, and bit his bottom lip.

"I'm glad you liked it, I've been meaning to tell you T that I like you. I didn't know when the right time was to tell you, so I thought I'd just sing to you instead,"

T'Challa looked to him in shock, and breathed out a nervous laugh.

"I like you too Bucky," he replied and soon enough they were kissing in the middle of the bar, and T'Challa can finally say he likes karaoke.

T'Chucky One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now