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Bucky goes to an animal shelter looking for a cat

"Buck, you don't need a pet. You can't even cook for yourself,"

"Wow, thanks Steve I'm glad I have your support,"

Bucky was currently arguing with his roommate and best friend Steve Rogers, who was telling him that he didn't need to buy a cat.

"Steve, I know I can handle this! Just give me a month to prove it to you, and if it doesn't work out I'll take it back," Bucky replied and saw that Steve was still giving him the 'this is a bad idea' look. He gave him his best pouty look knowing he couldn't resist.

"Fine. I'll go with you,"

Bucky grinned in joy and was bouncing in his seat in the car on their way there.

"Geez Buck calm down, have you even decided what type of cat you want?" Steve asked watching his friend from the corner of his eye.

"No, and it doesn't matter it just has to be cute!" he replied and Steve chuckled and continued driving.

They reached the shelter, and Bucky literally jumped out the car. He was acting like a kid on Christmas morning, but Steve was used to this kind of behavior so he acted as if this was a normal thing, as for others they would just think Bucky was on something.

"Hi gentlemen, may I help you?" the woman at the desk asked them and Bucky grinned and Steve shook his head in amusement.

"We're here to adopt a cat," Steve said and she nodded and started typing at her computer.

"Ok, we have 15 in today. I'll call T'Challa to come help you guys. Please take a seat,"

Waiting was one thing Bucky wasn't good at, he had a nag to shake his left leg and Steve was staring at his watch every 2 seconds.


"Karen, we're out of water for the parrots and-

T'Challa stopped mid sentence and saw a very attractive guy sitting in the waiting area with another man who looked like he wanted to be anywhere else.

"Boys! T'Challa is here to help you,"

Bucky shot up from his seat and gave T'Challa a charming smile. "Hi, I'm Bucky," he said and T'Challa was swooning. His hair was shoulder length, and he had steel blue eyes that reminded him of the sky. His smile was everything.


Steve and Karen were both giving each other knowing looks and knew T'Challa was gone for Bucky.

"Steve Rogers," Steve said and shook T'Challa's hand, but he was still looking at Bucky.

"Um follow me," T'Challa said and they walked down a hall and saw a few birds, dogs, and snakes on their way to the room with the cats.

"I have to warn you, some of them bite,"

Bucky blushed at his accent, he's never heard one like it before and went back to focusing on why they came here in the first place.

"Steve... Look. At. All. The. Cats!"

T'Challa grinned at Bucky's adorable outburst, and saw Steve was pretending to be just as excited as him. He knew right then and there they were just friends.

The room was filled with different colored cats, and a few kittens. It was pretty loud in the room as well, but Bucky didn't mind. "Aw, he's cute," he said picking up a white cat with a spot on his left eye.

"That's Mila, she was abused by her last owner," T'Challa said and Bucky frowned and petted Mila and saw she had a missing ear.

"That's so sad," Bucky said and put her back down.

After a while, Steve had left them alone to check the parking meter and Bucky was left alone with T'Challa. He was sitting on one of the chairs in the room with two kittens on both shoulders. T'Challa thought it was an adorable sight.

"So, have you had pets before?" T'Challa asked.

"No, I just got home from the army and thought a pet would be a good distraction from certain events," Bucky said looking at his metal arm that was on full display.

"Oh, I'm sorry,"

"It's fine. I didn't use that arm for anything anyway," he joked and T'Challa chuckled and saw Bucky pick up Mila again.

"I'm kind of liking her,"

"I think she likes you too, I'll let Karen know,"

T'Challa went up to the desk and told Karen that Bucky will be taking Mila home.

"Did you ask for his number?"

"Not yet," T'Challa replied and took the folder for Bucky and went back to the room. He walked in and saw Bucky on the floor now, and Mila was clawing at his hair.

"Cute," he said and Bucky looked up and smiled.

"Yeah, she is,"

"I wasn't talking about the cat," T'Challa replied and Bucky blushed and got up slowly.

"Um, you need to fill this out and then she's all yours. I'm going to miss her, she was the first cat I looked after,"

"Well, you can always visit her...if you want!" Bucky exclaimed trying to cover up his weak flirting.

"I guess so, her owner is undeniably gorgeous," T'Challa said and Steve finally showed up.

"Alright, did you pick one? I'm hungry,"

Bucky rolled his eyes and told Steve he's taking Mila.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye...for now," Bucky said handing T'Challa the folder. He opened it and saw Bucky's number on the top page.

He watched him walk out the building with Steve, and Karen smirked at him from her desk.

"Still think this job is boring?" she asked smugly.

T'Challa tuned her out and just added the number to his phone before walking back to the cat room.

"We did it guys,"

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