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Bucky is running late to class and ruins a solar system


Bucky was too busy talking to his best friend Steve to realize he was late for geometry.

"Shit I'm late!"

"Again Buck? You're lucky Mr. Fury likes you or else you'd be failing right now," the blonde exclaimed as his friend collected his textbook from his locker in a hurry.

"Yeah yeah. Meet me in the front after class bye Stevie!"

With that, Bucky sped to the other side of the large school. He made it a habit to always be late to Nick Fury's 7th period class, but the eyepatch clad man always let it slide since Bucky was one of his best students, and its shocking to hear that the metal armed teen was in fact a straight A student with more tardys than anyone in school.

"Late again Buck?"

Bucky stopped in his tracks seeing Natasha Romanov, his friend Clint's girlfriend, smirking at him.

"Yeah, and we're throwing a party at Steve's tonight. Bring everyone!"

Bucky continued his journey to room A102, and didn't notice someone coming his way and bumped into...mars?

"Are you fucking kidding me? I spent two weeks on that!"

The accent was unfamiliar to Bucky, and he turned around and saw a dark skinned guy wearing all black with Nike's on crouching down on the floor clutching the sun in his hand. Bucky noticed how cute he was, but shook the thought away and frowned knowing he ruined this guy's project.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!"

Bucky knew then and there that he had fucked up, and was already 10 minutes late. But, the guy was kind of cute and who was Bucky to leave him like this? Math can wait.

"Its fine I-

The dark skinned cutie was looking at Bucky in awe, and blushed when realizing he's the same guy in his gym class that he obviously doesn't check out in the locker room. No way. He also heard a bit of harsh rumors about him, and he was a bit skeptical if said rumors were true or not. Kids have mentioned that he's rude, and hates it when people even try talking to him.

"I'm Bucky. I'm really sorry about your solar system, I can help fix it?"

"T'Challa. And no worries, I can just tell Mr. Coulson I didn't have time. He usually doesn't care if we hand things in on time,"

Bucky nodded and helped T'Challa collect the pieces of earth on the floor, and when their hands brushed together they blushed and looked away.

"Uh-I really should get to class," Bucky said rubbing the back of his neck with his metal hand. T'Challa noticed it but didn't stare, he didn't want to seem rude.

"Yeah same, I'll uh- see you around,"

Before T'Challa walked off, Bucky took his wrist in his hand. He blushed at the contact and T'Challa had the same feeling.

"My friend Steve is throwing a party tonight, I want- uh you should come,"

"Ok, I'll be there. Wouldn't miss it for the world," T'Challa said holding up the piece of Earth and Bucky laughed and watched the dark skinned cutie walk off.

When he made it to class, Mr. Fury saw his dazed expression on his face and chuckled to himself.

"Mr. Barnes, glad you could make it. Run into traffic?"

"Something like that," Bucky replied resting his head in his hand thinking of T'Challa.


"Buck? Hello?" Steve was waving his hand in Bucky's face and the brunette snapped out of his daydream and looked at his friend in annoyance.

"What punk?"

"We're at my place, unless you forgot about the party,"

Bucky didn't forget, he was just too busy daydreaming about T'Challa. When he told Steve about his encounter with the Wakandan, his friend laughed and thought it was cute how giggly his friend got whenever T'Challa came up in conversation. And its only been two hours since they met.

"I didn't. How do I look?"

"Good. Don't worry about T'Challa, I'm sure he'd still like you if you were wearing a garbage bag,"

"Whatever, just go makeout with Tony or something. I need time to get my shit together,"

Steve laughed and went to find his boyfriend. He and Tony Stark have been dating for 8 months now, and Bucky was jealous of how cute they were. Hopefully after tonight him and T'Challa could be that annoying couple in the halls that people make faces at.

The sound of Panic at the Disco were filling the house, and Bucky was getting more impatient when he didn't see T'Challa anywhere.

"Still no sign of lover boy?"

Natasha is always sneaking up on him, and he really thinks she'll be a good spy someday.

"Yes, and leave he'll think you're hitting on me,"

She laughed. "Oh please, you're more gay then Tony. And he wears colored scarves to school,"

Bucky laughed, and his breath hitched when he saw his dark skinned cutie enter the house.

"Get lost Romanov, he's here!"

Natasha left with an amused smirk, and groaned when seeing Clint and Scott Lang doing the robot in the middle of the dancefloor. Her boyfriend was lucky he's cute.

"Is the robot not your style?"

Bucky turned to his right and saw T'Challa's glowing smile under the neon lights and mentally swooned.

"Uh n-no. I-

Damn Barnes, can you be any more illiterate?

T'Challa laughed at Bucky's adorable stutter, and grabbed his metal hand with no hesitation and led him to the dance floor.

"I can't dance," Bucky said.

"I'll lead then,"

T'Challa grabbed Bucky by the waist, and the Wakandan was in a daze staring into his blue-green eyes. Bucky wrapped his arms around his neck, and blushed feeling a bit nervous dancing with his crush.

"I'm sorry about your solar system,"

T'Challa shook his head. "I told you it was fine. Plus, Coulson passed me. I just gave him the essay part,"

Bucky let out a sigh of relief he didn't know he was holding, and continued dancing with T'Challa. He didn't notice Natasha snapping a few photos on her phone, for blackmail purposes.

"So, you're from Wakanda?"

"Yeah, moved here about a year ago with my dad and sister. I miss it, but I'm starting to like it here a bit more," he said smiling at Bucky, who blushed a deeper shade of red and his soft words.

After two songs, T'Challa knew he had to tell him.

"Bucky, I have a confession to make. I actually knew who you were before, I just didn't think you would be nice. I heard a few rumors about you and I thought you would never like me, but when you offered to help me with my destroyed project I realized I shouldn't have listened to the hall gossip. I've had a crush on you for about a month now,"

Buck was speechless, and all he could do was pull T'Challa closer and connect their lips in a passionate kiss. T'Challa melted in the kiss, and slid his tongue in Bucky's mouth, causing the brunette to moan in response.

"I had a crush on you too, I was just scared you weren't into guys. And I'm not mad that you were hesitant to talk to me, I can be pretty intimidating,"

"Yeah well, everyone just doesn't know the real you. But I'd be happy to, if you let me,"

"Of course,"

With that, they sealed their lips in another passionate kiss, and Bucky was now thankful that his lateness had actually benefited him.

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