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Bucky becomes T'Challa's. Time passes. T'Challa is always Bucky's.

There is a warm weight on one side of T'Challa's body, and he pulls it closer instinctively before he can identify it. A warm laugh forces him to open his eyes.

Bucky is looking at his face, grinning a little. T'Challa presses a kiss to those lips, unable to help himself.

"Morning," he said.

"Good morning," Bucky replied, snuggling closer.

T'Challa ruffled his hair gently, and allowed further cuddling even though it was already past the time he usually stayed in bed.

He grew quiet very quickly, turning his face away from T'Challa. "You ok?" he asked gently, checking in.

Bucky sighed. "I'm an idiot."

T'Challa snorts. "Yeah, that deal you helped me make last week would say otherwise. I might as well fire everyone else in the building."

Next to him, Bucky rolls his eyes, but the compliment does what its supposed to do. "No, I mean...remember when I told you Steve and I got into a fight?"

"Yes. What happened?"

"When I first started...dating Alex, Steve didn't like him. Said he was bad news, and that he had a reputation. But I didn't listen, because all I could see was that he wanted to treat me the way I wanted to be treated," Bucky said quietly. "But with him it was all the time. And he hurt me. Steve saw the bruises one day. He lost it."

"Steve said he didn't know if he could be my friend if kept letting myself get... abused. Of course, he sent me a text to check in everyday. Thought I was gonna get myself killed. I should've listened. Why didn't I listen?" Bucky said brokenly.

He begins to shake in T'Challa's arms.

"Hey," T'Challa tilts his face toward his. "Listen to me. Steve was right. You should've listened to him. But no ones going to hurt you, because you didn't. Alright?"

Bucky nods slowly. "Thank you."

"You hungry?" T'Challa asks, sensing that Bucky is finished with the conversation.

"Always," Bucky leans over and kisses him on the mouth.

T'Challa wrinkles his nose. "Eww, morning breath," he teases.

Bucky looks appropriately affronted. "You kissed me ten minutes ago!"

"There's a difference." he jokes, getting out of the bed.

Bucky vaults out of bed after him. "I'll show you morning breath."

As it turns out, T'Challa didn't mind much.


They showered, separately to Bucky's chagrin. T'Challa had called the office, letting them know that he wouldn't be in. Bucky didn't have to let anyone know but T'Challa.

"Hey boss, I'm taking a personal day." Bucky joked.

"Oh, don't I know it." he smirked.

In the kitchen, T'Challa's personal chef was preparing breakfast. When she noticed Bucky sitting at the table as well, she made a second plate, no fuss.

"Thank you," Bucky said shyly when she placed his breakfast in front of him. "I'm Bucky, by the way."

She raised an eyebrow. "Bucky? T'Challa's beautiful blue-eyed assistant?" She made a show of looking into his eyes, to Bucky's amusement.

"This must be the one. Nice to meet you, hun." She left the room, and Bucky turned to T'Challa.

"You talk about me? To other people?" he asked, seemingly surprised.

T'Chucky One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now