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T'Challa and Bucky move in together 

"I don't want you to go," Steve whined from the leather couch he was slouching on.

Bucky had told him about a month ago that he was moving in with his boyfriend T'Challa. He and Steve have been roommates since college, and now they were going to be separated for the first time since they were 4 years old.

"Stevie I promised I'd come visit, besides...maybe Tony will take my place," Bucky said to the pouting blonde.

Tony Stark was Steve's boyfriend, who in fact had been dropping hints that he'd like to take the next step, but Steve was too oblivious to realize it.

"Sure, now don't be a stranger,"

Bucky had put the last of his boxes in his car, and T'Challa was waiting for him at his place. Or more specifically, their place.

"Of course not you punk, c'mere,"

Bucky hugged his best friend and patted his shoulder before getting in his car and driving away. Steve waved him off and went inside to call Tony.


Once Bucky pulled up in front of T'Challa's huge house, his boyfriend grinned widely and ran up to greet him with a kiss.

"Hey babe, I don't know about you but I'm really excited about this," T'Challa said flashing his charming smile that always makes Bucky weak in the knees.

"I am, Steve was in tears before I left,"

"He'll be fine. I'm just glad to have you all to myself," the Wakandan whispered in his boyfriend's ear seductively.

Bucky shivered and grabbed the other box following his very hot boyfriend inside.

After putting all of Bucky's things away in his-no their-room, T'Challa had one more thing to do to make things official. At first, the idea seemed a bit lame but he didn't care, there was a possibility that Bucky would appreciate what he did.

"Hey babe, can u go downstairs and check the mail for me?"

Bucky didn't think anything of it, and he nodded in reply and took the 2 minute walk to the mail room. He didn't know why T'Challa couldn't get it himself, but he'd do anything for him. Jump off a building if he asked him too...no that's too far.

When he reached the room, it smelled of paper and honey, and he saw the apartment number on the silver door. He used the key T'Challa gave him and opened it.

Inside, there was nothing.

"What the hell?" he whispered to himself and saw the door opening revealing his boyfriend who was grinning like an idiot.

"T, there's nothing in here," Bucky said in monotone, and T'Challa chuckled and shook his head in amusement.

"Not yet,"

He took a small sticker from his back pocket and placed it on the door. Bucky looked to see what he did, and laughed.

"Did you really trick me to come down here just to put my name on the mailbox?"

T'Challa blushed and nodded in reply. "Yes, I know it's lame but I think it's making it official that we are now living together,"

"It's cute, and corny. But I love you so I'll let it slide," Bucky said in between laughs.

"You know what else we could do to make things official?"

T'Challa raised an eyebrow and Bucky only smirked. T'Challa knew that smirk, he knew what was about to happen.

"Lead the way," he whispered and Bucky dragged him to their door by his belt.

That night they christened T'Challa's bed, and the next day the mailbox was filled with mail for Bucky, with a letter from Steve that he and Tony had moved in together as well. Both boys were finally happy living with their boyfriends, and planned on having many double dates in the near future.

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