7: Secret Tunnel

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Hey readers!! Ready?

I got out of bed, without wanting to. As I walk into the kitchen, I see my father sitting on the couch watching the news like it's a normal morning. Without Adelaide sitting right next to him. I quietly take some fruits from the counter and go back to my room. I grab my backpack and fill it with the fruits, water bottles, clothes, money and the gun Mr. Graff left behind. Crawling out the window, I see Justin waiting for me.

    "Ok. Here, I got some bullets. Don't give me that look. My dad has some for his job." I laugh a little bit. I shouldn't though; so many things have happened in the last day, that I think I just felt hysterical by it all. "And I got some clothes and food in my backpack too. So, where should we go?"

    "Well, we need a plan, so maybe we could go to some restaurant and get some breakfast first?" I said innocently. Justin gave me a confused look.

    "You want to blow up the whole societal system, and now you want to go get some breakfast? Malia, you have to take this seriously, I'm on your side now, and I can leave just as easily."

    "You think I can do this by myself?" I asked him.

    "No, that's why I'm helping you. But if you get off track, I won't." His words hurt me. But at least he was serious about this and actually wanted to do this.

    "Ok, well, you tell me where we should go. I don't know." I said, a bit frustrated.

    "Why don't we just walk." He pulls out a card, that kind of looked like a train ticket. He walks forward to a subway station.

    "I thought we were walking?"

    "We are, hold on." I felt like an impatient child, wondering what Justin was going to do next. He walked to an elevator, meant for elders who couldn't get up and down the stairs.

    "Are we going back up?"

    "No, Malia." He chuckled. "We're going down."

    He pressed the down button, and slid his card across the little screen. The screen lit up and and automated message played.

    "Daniel Roberts, welcome back."

    "Thank you very much." Justin responded, in a very professional way, with his shoulders up and his head held high.

    "Are you good friends with her?"

    "We go way back."

    "Wow, so funny." I said sarcastically. The elevator door opened and, I was actually surprised, even though I wasn't really expecting anything. It was a subway station tunnel, only without anything in it. It was just a tunnel.

"Where will this lead?" I asked. I worried if he was getting too annoyed with all my questions.

"Well, it depends. This tunnel branches off and goes in all different directions, so it can take you to about anywhere. Without being noticed of course." Wow, that was smart. I didn't even know about this.

"And what if someone catches us?" Anyone who would have the ability to catch us would be government workers. Like Mr. Graff. 

"You have that gun, don't you?"

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