15: Change of course

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I was taken back to my cell until the next day where I was again brought to the interrogation room for my final lie test. I was prepared to fake this time. My blood pressure was calm.

"Let's begin." The lights flash on my face and I squint. "First question:-" Sirens blared before the first question was even asked. Red lights flashed intensely and I looked around to see everyone confused.

Two guards grabbed each of my arms tightly and dragged me outside, where I saw all the prisoners lined up, their black uniforms made them looks like helpless ants, about to be crushed; they looked scared. I couldn't spot Justin or Kenna in the trail of prisoners, but it might have been because I was partly blinded by the sun. It had been so long since I had last seen it; last let it soak into me.

As I was walking to be in the end of the line, I felt the stares of all the prisoners on me, which made me feel like this was my fault. Not only the alarm, but all of them being here. I knew it wasn't true, but why else were they staring at me like I was the reason they were in prison?

"Ready?" The prisoner next to me said. She had bleach blonde hair and bright green eyes. She was also much taller than me, and much skinnier.

"For what?"

"Your rescue." I made a face at her, and she just smiled at me and looked ahead at nothing, like she was some sort of machine, assigned to say that.

In the distance, I could hear the blades of helicopters get louder and louder with each second passing by. Seven army helicopters surrounded the swarm of people, prisoners and officers. Then there was silence. No one spoke, no one made a move; the only sound was that of the army vehicles in the air. And then the shots came down. Officers were down on the ground, bleeding to their death, while all the prisoners ran to the freedom, all at once.

I stood in the midst of this chaos, and found that I couldn't believe any of this was happening. Was this good or bad? I turned around and saw that a helicopter was making its landing. I ran over to it, and saw two very familiar faces.

"Kenna? Justin!" I screamed to them. The spun around and smiles wiped their faces clean. They ran to me and that was when I had experienced the best feeling group hug possible.

"What is going on?" I had to yell for them to hear me because of the helicopter.

"We'll explain when we get back to headquarters. Here, get in there." Justin said.

"Where are you going?" I said, all of a sudden angry.

"We will be right behind you, don't worry." Kenna said with a small chuckle. Did she think this was funny? Was she having fun at "headquarters" while I was in prison taking lie tests? While I gave information to the bad guys? They had no idea.

I stepped into the helicopter and immediately was given ear plugs and a helmet to help block out the noise. And off we went.

It was noon when we had left, and I watched as the sky turned dark, and stars sprinkled throughout it. It all felt very safe, and very wrong.

"Miss Blackwood, you are getting a call from an unknown number." Someone said.

"I'll pick it up." What was I thinking? I knew at the back of my head that it had to be him.

"Malia Blackwood makes her great escape. I'm sorry that you have to hear that we know where you are and we know where you are going, and we will most certainly be there when you arrive." My heart beat out of my chest as I heard the too familiar voice through the phone. "Have a good day 'Champion'". What a sick man. I had to change our course.

"Excuse me, pilot?" The pilot seemed like a nice person.

"Yes, miss?"

"I would like to change our course please?"

"And where to?"

"The hospital?"

"Miss Blackwood, if you are hurt, we have medical assistance at our headquarters."

"This isn't about me. This is about the Inks. We have to blow it up now. Mr. Graff and his men will be at the headquarters. He just told me."

"We have no bombs on this helicopter, I'm afraid."

"Well order another one that does have bombs and tell them to meet us there!" I got frustrated. How hard was this all?

"Yes ma'am. Change course to the National Clevenian Hospital."

"Course changed."

Everything, not just our course, was about to change.

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