6: Silence

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Hey guys, I hope you guys enjoy this part of my story, here we go!

I remember Adelaide distinctly when she was growing up. Of course, she was still growing up. She was too young. She always had the roundest face, her rosy cheeks always brightened in the winters. She was short for her age, and I always teased her about it. I would never be able to do that again. I would never be able to carry her around on my back in the backyard; I would never be able to push her in the pool or tackle her to the ground and laugh so hard after.

Because Adelaide was dead. Mr. Graff killed her. I slumped next to her body as Mr. Graff quietly exited my house. I couldn't let him do this anymore. I ran out after him, chased him down. I couldn't see him, yet I still ran. I ran until I couldn't breathe anymore, until I was drenched with sweat and tears. I wondered how many people he was doing this to. Could I find them? What was the point? Why was I even here? Why me?

I sat on the sidewalk, in the deserted part of town in the middle of night, and cried. My sister was gone, my dad could never stand up for us anyway, so who did I have left? Justin? I remembered the plan we made. But if I fulfilled that plan, I knew the consequence. My dad would most likely be murdered too.

Anger boiled inside me, yet confusion also arose. I slowly got up and walked back to my house. I crashed on my bed after I realized that Adelaide's body wasn't in the house any more. I didn't care. I needed sleep.

And I woke up in the morning to silence. No Adelaide jumping on my bed, waking me up. No annoying screams from her that I miss. Only silence. Who knew silence could be so painful?

Short, right?

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