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I walked on the pathway, each step getting faster, eager to meet the new friend I had made at the rehab. Despite being the girl who only ran errands, I enjoyed working part-time there. The lady in her mid-thirties was a very outgoing person, though her medical report showed that she was under depression and anxiety, which lead to her addiction to alcohol.

It was pouring early in the morning. Puddles on the ground was all over the place, making me skip and hop between them to reach the end of the pathway without getting wet. Thank goodness I was wearing my black combat boots or else I would had been soaked in the water.

It was early spring but the snow was still falling, which was the reason why I was wearing a maroon coat with scarves around my neck. Enough to stop me from shivering due to the cold weather.

I usually took the bus to the Sereine Rehabilitation Centre located at the outskirt of the city, but today, I guessed some work out would do. I just had to walk 30 minutes and I would get there.

I held my necklace as I saw a family, a mother and probably the daughter, who happened to be fairly young, getting ice cream. I never had thought that I would say this.

I actually miss them. My so-called family.

The necklace was the only piece from home that I had taken away with me before I left. Heck, I even thought about taking off what I was wearing  that very day but leaving with some dignity would do.

Home. A place that never existed, I thought.


"Good morning, Adoni! You're fairly early today," Margaret says, with so much morning spirit.

"Indeed I am. I decided to walk here so I left home early today."

I said as I put my bag on the front counter. I swiped card on the swiper to check my attendance in.

"Hey, the old lady has been talking about you. I believe she has taken a liking towards you."

I feel flattered.

"You know, I am just going over to the back and change into my uniform alright? Ciao."

I changed into my uniform. My uniform was slightly different from the others since I was only working part time. I'm wearing a white polo shirt paired with a pair of black pants. It was believed that it'd make me look more recognizable.

Soon after, I grabbed the reports on the front counter on my way to the old lady's room. I was assigned to provide her assistance since the past six months.

There were five more days until the two weeks would be over. There was a high possibility for me to be assigned to other people if she requested for.

''Good morning Vernonia!" I chirped as I pushed the glass door open.

She was standing outside, on the balcony, taking in the sight of the majestic mountain view which lies up north. In between them, there was vast field stretched out for miles.

"Good morning to you too." She said acknowledging me without turning to me. She looked so engrossed in whatever pleasant thing she was doing.

She continued." I am waiting for you ever since the sun rose. This place is really doing wonders to me."

"Honestly, I think so too. The tremendous amount of money your husband is spending on you is definitely not going to a waste." I smiled when she cast me a soft glance.

"Speaking of that, I am very happy to tell you that my psychiatrist told me that I'm good to leave this weekend."

She advanced towards me, delight visible

on her face. She pulled me into a hug and I returned it with all my heart.

"I am very happy to hear that Vernonia. You can finally go back to your family." I brushed her back.

"You're right but I'm going to miss you so much. You have been nothing but really kind to me," she said, releasing me.

"Hey, don't be sad. I am sure I will always be invited to your gigantic mansion right? I can always pay you a visit there," we laughed.

"You're invited to live there in fact. The house seems to get much lonelier after my son deceased. I have no idea how Michael is surviving."

We talked about everything as I made sure she took her daily prescribed medicines. I made her some coffee and served her lunch she desired from the food-and-beverages department. Basically, I was entrusted to take care of her well-being.

This place is quadrupled the size of the studio apartment I am renting.

Her room was fully equipped with everything luxurious such as a vast balcony with golden railings, a glamorous, elegant dry kitchen, a marble-embellished floor, yellow light shimmering from the chandelier hung in the middle of the room and not forgetting, a bathroom furnished with a jacuzzi.

This place elicited an aura of royalty as soon as I walked in here.

Juat like any other patients here, they have the right to choose what setting they'd like to have for their room.

I sighed im relief when my working hour was over. Before leaving, I went to bid Vernonia goodbye.

As I left her room, I walked quickly through the hallway while searching for something in my tote bag. I screeched to a stop as I got a hold on my phone.

I took it out but only to pull together my lip balm. It fell onto the floor and rolled into the entrance of the room I was standing at.

Without further contemplating my action, I walked into the room since the door is opened.

I was instantly greeted by an atmosphere clouded by disturbance and distress.

"Hello?" Silence was bestowed upon me. It seemed like no one was in the room.

Why was the door opened then? I thought.

My eyes was on the polished, wooden floor searching for my lip balm. It was underneath the bed.

I crouched and extended my hand towards the direction of the lip balm until I had it in my grasp. Putting it in my bag, I stood up slowly only to bump into something on my back.

It was wet and I could feel water dripping down my arms. The back of my thin, black shirt got damped in an instant.

"Oh God. You're the owner, aren't you?" My voice came out as barely a whisper.

"Indeed I am." He sounded so cold and intimidating.

His breath fanned my ear and I smelt earthly fragrance, lingering in the air. It smelt very pleasant for some reason.

I took a step forward, putting a distance between me and his half-naked body. Turning around, I looked straight into his eyes which were a beautiful shade of green. Water was dripping down his dishevelled, brunette hair onto his tan, defined body.

"My apologies," I stated and cast my glance down.

I immediately tilted my head when I saw his lower part of body was only covered with a towel, which hung dangerously low to my own liking.

He looked at me threateningly, eyes twinkled under the chandelier.

"It's my cue to go. Have a good day-" I looked at the patients' band on his wrist. Squenting my eyes, I continued. "- Mr. Zechariah."

As I walked away, I felt his arm brushed against mine. It seemed to be intentionally under the circumstances but I shoved the idea aside.

There was no way it was on purpose.

The suffocation that was strangling me immediately disappeared as soon as I stepped out of his room.

I used the coat I was holding on my right arm to wipe my wet skin. With that, I headed home.

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