Chapter 8

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Paper Jam's POV

I shyly accepted his offer and drank the tea, "Listen kid, it's like everyday you walk in here you look completely exhausted...", Mr. Fresh said with a worried expression, "... Is something keeping you up late or are you incapable of sleep?" I could feel my face start to burn when I heard him say that. He worried about me... Stop it, stop blushing!

I slowly looked up at him, and he was blushing too? "M-Mr. Fresh! Are you okay?!", I practically scream, "Are you sick? Do you need rest??", I worriedly asked as I proceeded to stand on my tip-toes to feel his forehead. His temperature was fine, I let out a sigh of relief as I lower myself back to my original position. I looked up, and a deep blue was dyed on Mr. Fresh's cheek bones, but why?

Fresh's POV

I looked down at Paper Jam, and he was blushing? I can feel my face get hotter, and I realize by then, he's looking at me... Paper Jam started freaking out near tears because he thought I was sick? He stood on his toes, oh god, I can't help but smile a little, he's adorable~

He lightly rested his palm on my forehead, "Calm down, calm down, calm, down!", I repeatedly think to myself, he's only checking to see if I'm ill. He looked relieved to see I was perfectly fine, my face was a blushing mess, I don't know what to do!!

"Heya, kiddo, don't worry about me! I'm fine see?", I quickly say with an assuring smile, in return a soft smile spread across his face.

Paper Jam's POV

"At least he's okay.", I think to myself... Man, the tea Mr. Fresh gave me really isn't helping right now. I feel... so.. dizzy..... The room is spinning, I can tell Fresh is trying to say something, but it's all muffled.. He sounds worried, I'll see how he's doing when I wake up~

Fresh's POV

Kid doesn't look so hot right now, he's looking around the room as if he's gonna fall without warning. "Hey, Paper Jam? You alright?" No response, "Paper Jam come on answer me!" he looks really dizzy, like he's gonna fall any second... "Paper Jam!!", I snap a few times, still no response, he's falling! I quickly wedge myself between him and a desk so he doesn't land on it and crack his skull, "PAPER JAM!"

He's out like a light. I pick him up bridal style, and proceed to exit the school, my plan was to take him back to his house, but where does he live? Oh, right! His phone! I sit down at a bench and he's in my lap, I'm frantically searching his pockets, where instead of finding his cell I find numerous pencils and paint brushes? His backpack! I found a phone in the front pocket of his bag, there's no password on it so I can easily access all of his contact info...

There are two contacts in his phone... only the two. One labeled 'Dad' the other 'Father', but which should I call? After a minute of thinking I click the one labeled 'Father'...




"Hello?", an extremely glitched out voice on the other end asked

"Yo, I'm your son's uhh, friend, and well-", I said before getting cut off

"Get to the point!", the clearly impatient person said

"Your son passed out from exhaustion. I am taking him home but I need your adress." I firmly stated.

After a couple minutes of exchanging info, I replaced Jammy's phone into his bag, grabbed him in my arms, and continued walking him back to his home. I was shocked to see his house was the most colorful on the block, it had rainbow paint splatters, and black ink smeared all over the exterior of the house. I anxiously walked up to the door, inhaled... DING DONG~

Faster than you could blink the door swung open.

Ink's POV

The doorbell? Must be Jammy! I quickly opened the door and saw my baby limp in a 90's fashioned kid's arms, "What happened to my son?!", I exclaimed, "Hello sir, my name is Fresh, I go to school with your son. You see, he kinda passed out from exhaustion, so I brought him home.", this Fresh kid replied. "Oh, do come in! Follow me his room is this way!", I said starting to run up a series of stairs. I opened the door to my Jammy's room and motioned for him to bring him in. I studied Fresh as he laid PJ down, taking care not to hurt him. "What a nice kid...", I thought to myself, "I should keep an eye on him though."

Fresh x Paper Jam : The Innocent LoveWhere stories live. Discover now