Chapter 18

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Fresh's POV

I woke up in bed, groggy as hell. I begin to crack my back, and a few other stiff joints. I swing my feet over and get out of bed, then start off towards the closet. With dark rings under my eye sockets I scan my wardrobe, I finally settle on the usual, eye bleeding colors. I throw on some clothes and complete a few other morning tasks then set off for school. Ugh, school, every student's filthiest nightmare. At least for me it is.

I'm still feeling a bit groggy and a little lazy as well, so just made the whole journey easier for myself by teleporting to the campus. I slam my crap into my locker and trudge to homeroom. What a lovely day it is. I enter the classroom and immediately notice my knight in shining arts and crafts. I grab a chair and swing it around so it's facing Jammy's desk, then plop down into it and rest my head on his desk.

Paper Jam's POV

I was just doodling in my notebook when I see Fresh sit down in front of me, he seems a bit tired today. "Well hello there mister sleepy head." I cooed, "What's got you down Fresh?" He grunted and gave me a sideways glance, then a soft smile appeared on his face. "Hey Jammy, guess I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He chuckled and shrugged. I smiled, then leaned forward and planted a kiss on his somewhat nonexistent nose.

We both blushed and I whispered, "Class is going to start, get in your seat." Fresh chuckled and sighed whilst getting up and walking over to his own desk. I giggled then continued to doodle.

~Time Skip Brought To You By Sans's Secret Lab~

Fresh's POV

School is out, I'm in a better mood and Paper Jam and I have decided to go to the park. We walked together making idle conversation. I looked down, then slipped my hand into his. I couldn't help but smile when I found a light raspberry dusting his cheek bones. We made it to the park and perched ourselves against a tree with a wide base. He set his stuff down then proceeded to practically lay on me.

I'm not even joking, he rested his head on my shoulders, tangled his legs with mine, and had his arms wrapped around my torso. I began to blush, hard. He looked up at me with an innocent look and stated very clearly, "I'm tired, so get comfortable." I slowly nodded, he started to cuddle closer to me, and I gave in, I wrapped my arm around him, keep in mind, I'm sitting against a tree, I shifted a bit,  and then passed out.

When I came to, it was dark, and I am extremely uncomfortable. Why, you ask? Well somehow in our peaceful slumber, Jammy wedged his knee in between my legs. How, you ask? No. Freaking. Clue. Paper Jam is still asleep, and I am very flustered. Just then, Jammy decides to shift, digging his knee closer to my crotch. I'm petrified, what am I going to do if my boyfriend wakes up to his knee pressed up against my growing problem area?!

The tightening in my pants is becoming hardly bearable, I can't just leave him here though! I inhale a deep breath and sigh, there's nothing to do. Paper Jam is asleep and I'm not going to deprive him of that.  His knee nudges me, I wince and begin to pry his leg out from between mine. He shifts while I'm moving him away from my, no no zone, as some would call it. I toss a side ward glance at him, and am relieved to see he sleeps like a rock.

I then stand, and pick him up bridal style, then contemplate my options. I can't take him to his place like this, his parents will think I'm a complete pervert! I sigh and teleport us both to my house, and toss him on my bed, then throw blankets over him. He smiles and cuddles into them, good. I sigh in relief then make my way to the restroom to get rid of my problem.

Paper Jam's POV

I know I passed out in the park, but, where am I? I woke up in a bed that is definitely not my own, and the house is dark. I crawl out of bed, and wander around, "Hello?" I ask softly. Ah! There is a room that a light is on! The door is closed though, I'll knock. I slowly approach the door, and as I raise my clenched fist to the door to knock, I immediately stop in my tracks. I instantly hear an unwanted noise from the other side of the door.

I can hear Fresh, grunting? I shrug and knock, "Hey Fresh? Is that you? Is this your house?" I ask, all at once the noises stop, and I hear a worried Fresh rush out a sentence, " U-Uh yeah! I just had t-to pick something up, I'll b-be right out!" Confused I waited, I heard a flush, then water running, and soon enough a flustered Fresh steps out. "Hey Jammy! Let's take you home now!" Fresh says in an embarrassed fashion, I giggle and nod, then we set off for my house.



Sorry guys! I know I said, twice a week, but independent study is WAY more demanding than I gave it credit for!

I also know I said before there wouldn't be a lemon, and there won't be! However, I never said there wouldn't be some suggestive things in this story. *wiggles eyebrows*

Thanks for sticking with me!

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