Chapter 9

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Ink's POV

As I'm watching Fresh carefully lay my Jammy down I ponder, why exactly Jammy would be exhausted in the first place. What can he possibly be doing to overwork himself? What am I doing wrong as a parent?! Suddenly I was torn from my thoughts, when I noticed Fresh holding a loving gaze on my son. Too loving. It is my job as Jammy's dad to make sure he's safe, that he stays innocent, that hooligans keep their grubby mitts off of my precious Jammy!

I can feel the anger bubbling in my stomach, my face is getting hot, I'm about to blow my temp--

A sensation, that can only be described as several tongues caressing the sweet spot on my neck. Attempting to bite back all the lewd noises my body wants to emit, I manage to speak, "E-Error, hon, why- ah~, are you doi~ng that?" He stopped and looks up with an overly innocent grin and says, "You know why." I can feel my face heat up, I take to hiding my face in my scarf out of embarrassment.

He then looks at me seriously, "Come on Inky, let our son live a little, surly he's allowed to have a friend?", looking to the ground I nod, then add, "He can have a friend, but look at him!", I point at Fresh, "Do you really think being a friend is his only intention?"

Error shot a glance in their direction and said, "They'll be fine." Without another word I was pulled into a portal leading to the bedroom, I shot my lover a glare, and I was pulled into a tender embrace.

Fresh's POV

I'm looking down at him as I lay little Paper Jam down, his once nervous yet happy expression, now relaxed. Quiet, rhythmic breaths only taken to the minimum amount needed escape his mouth. What looks to be soothingly peaceful becomes entirely nerve racking for me. His small body almost mockingly shifts towards me. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, I have a serious thing for this short ball of adorableness.

As I begin to walk out I am stopped, a small, bony hand has found it's way to my wrist. I look back in shock, and see a slightly unsettled Paper Jam. As if nearly beckoning for me to stay, I can feel my face start to heat up. I guess it wouldn't hurt to stay with him, just for a little bit.

~Time Skip Brought To You By Mettaton's Sexy Legs~

Paper Jam's POV

I opened my eyes as grogginess quickly cloaks my body. I groan as I sit up, then notice something is restraining my hand. I slowly look down to see my hand is being held by another... My eyes scan the figure sitting beside my bed with it's head rested on the edge of the mattress. Fresh?!

I barely notice my head pounding as I stare down at my handsome classmate beside me. What? There's no point in denying it, I have a crush on him. The death grip he has on my hand just tightened, I can tell I'm blushing because my face is on fire! I look away, then thought for a moment. I glanced down at him, then quickly looked away again, no I couldn't do that. Another glance in his direction...

...Maybe, just one won't hurt...

I leaned down, and lightly kissed his forehead. As I pulled back up I covered my mouth with my hand, and my face exploded and turned into a blushing mess. What am I going to do with myself?


Short A/N

Sorry I know I was going to post this a couple days ago, but you all know how the holiday season is! Any who, it's up so that's that! ^_^

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