Chapter 14

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Fresh's POV

It happened! I told him, and my feelings were returned! I don't even know how to feel, first I was scared to come out and tell him how I felt, now I'm overjoyed! I can't even begin to say in words how happy I am, he took the words right out of my mouth and now all I want to do is hold him. I'm practically in my own la-la-land right now, so much that I didn't even feel my shirt become damp. I look down at Paper Jam and see that he is practically sobbing in my shoulder.

I hug him closer to myself, "Hey, what's wrong?", I softly asked, as not to startle him. He removed his head from my shoulder to look at me, even though water was flowing out of his sockets like waterfalls, he had the happiest smile glued onto his skull. "I'm sorry Fresh, I'm just so happy! I've been so anxious that this wouldn't go so well, and now, I'm just ecstatic!", Paper Jam stated wearing his grin.

Paper Jam's POV

Fresh looked down at me and chuckled while wiping my tears with his thumbs, "I'm happy too Paper Jam.", he said smiling, then continued, "There's only one thing left to do now-", Fresh said as he pulled himself away from the hug and encased Paper Jam's tiny hands in his own, "Paper Jam, I don't want you to feel obligated to say yes, but I need to ask, will you do me the great honor of being my boyfriend?", Fresh said with sparkling eyes full of hope.

~Meanwhile in the living room where Ink and Error can hear EVERYTHING~

Error's POV

So even though I removed Ink from the situation and calmed him down, I couldn't pass up this perfect opportunity to eavesdrop on the boys! My Inky of course, refused to leave the room, he wanted to know the latest scoop on them as well. We're listening to them be huge saps to each other, which as you can guess didn't make Ink very happy, but I have my ways of keeping him still. ;)

As I'm pondering who's gonna make the first move I hear Fresh say, " --but I need to ask, will you do me the great honor of being my boyfriend", I look over at my lover to see him fuming. His eye has turned a deadly shade of red, he definitely did not want this. He's about to storm in and rain on their parade, but I pull him back with my strings, they come in handy. ;)

I sit him back down on the sofa, and stand up with fake anger and say, "Don't, I'll handle this!" He nodded and slumped back, I then stomped down the hallway and listen through PJ's door and hear my son's reply.

Paper Jam's POV

I smiled wider than I thought possible, "Yes! I will be your boyfriend Fresh!", I half shouted-


The door slammed open and hit my wall, startled I jumped back and let out a whimper and saw Father standing in the doorway glaring daggers at Fresh. He then angrily stomped over to my new boyfriend, and right when I was about to step forward and intervene, Father and Fresh slapped a high-five. "Good job man, I didn't think you had the guts!", Father exclaimed, Fresh just laughed at my father's pun.

Fresh then walked over to me and grabbed my hand, and I looked over at him with burning cheeks and said, "You know we'll have to tell my other dad right?", at that Fresh went silent, and Father said, "Ah, don't worry about him, I'll handle it! Anyways, get out of here lovebirds, go to the movies or something, no need to stay cooped up in this house!" He handed me a 20 dollar bill and shooed us into a portal, knowing he would have to deal with his husband for the stunt he pulled.


Author's Note!!!

Hey fellas! Sorry for the slow updates, I have to work on that, anyways, due to popular suggestion in the pole, I will be continuing this story!!!



I will be continuing this story, with a twist! There will be side ships, conflict, and sappiness galore! I intend to just continue this book instead of making another book and calling it part two, because it would be less troublesome to just continue on this one!

Thank you so much for reading! Catch you next update!

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