Chapter 11

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Paper Jam's POV

I sat down on my desk chair, and Fresh took his place on my bed. I can't stop thinking about what Father said to me, I feel like I should be offended but at the same time...

I take a glance at Fresh and scan his features, taking in every detail. His beautiful eyes, those perfect lips, broad shoulders. Gosh, I know I liked him, but why does it hurt? My soul tightens every time I think of him, my stomach feels all fluttery when he hits me with that smile. I don't know what I'll do with myself if I continue on like this.

Fresh's POV

So here I am, sitting on his bed, with no eye protection. The silence is so thick with tension you could cut it with a blade. I look up at Paper Jam and take note to the fact that he's very noticeably blushing. Sometimes, I wonder what's going through that cute little head of his. It shakes every fiber of my being knowing that he's seen the monstrosity I call 'eyes', and still wants to be near me. He even went as far as to call them beautiful.

My thoughts slowly fade back into reality, as I remember how uncomfortable the silence is. In an attempt to make this ordeal less awkward, I speak up, "Hey PJ, wanna play a game?" He looked up at me quizzically, and raised a brow, "What kind of game Fresh?", he said just louder than a whisper. I think for a moment, "How about truth or dare?", I question. He gives it little to no thought before blurting, "Of course Fresh!"

Paper Jam's POV

I let out an awkward laugh, as he blushed a little. "You first Fresh", I said.

"Okay, truth or dare?", he asked, I replied confidently, "Truth." He smirked and said, "What's your sexuality?" I could feel the heat in my face start to boil, I then stuttered out, "I-I like... boys..", my face suddenly exploded after admitting it out loud, and my eyes immediately fell to the floor. "T-truth or dare, Fresh?", I asked, "I guess I'll go with truth as well.", he said in return. I couldn't think of anything on the spot because I was still so flustered, so I repeated his question. "What's your sexual orientation Fresh?", I slowly looked up to see his face tinted a light shade of blue.

"I also like guys..", he blushed more and quickly averted his eyes. "Oh", I said simply, but he would never know, that I was secretly really happy inside.

Fresh's POV

As the tension slowly lowered I asked, "Truth or dare?", he replied with a, "Truth" then giggled. My heart melted at that, I thought for a moment then asked, no more like blurted, "Do you like anyone?" His face immediately exploded into different shades of magenta as he softly, almost inaudibly said, "I have my eyes on someone." At this point he looked like he was about to burst into tears, so I patted the bed next to me, beckoning him to come here.

He got up and slowly approached, then lightly sat next to me. I looked him in the eye and said, "Do you want to talk about it?" with as much empathy as I could muster. He looked up at me, then averted his eyes and sheepishly nodded. Right after that I said, "It's okay, you can talk to me." I know it's out of character but if the guy he likes brings him harm, they've got something coming for them. Even though it hurts for me to talk about someone my crush likes with him, I'll do it, if it makes him feel better.

"Well, I've liked him for awhile, he makes me feel all tingly and warm. His smile, it's enough to brighten anyone's mood. He has an amazing personality, and he's helped me quite a bit. I can't thank him enough for all he's done. His eyes, are the most beautiful things I've ever encountered.", he began, his lip started to quiver as he continued, "But he doesn't know that. I'm sure that I'm transparent to him, and I've definitely never done anything to deserve even being in his presence. All he'll ever see me as is his 'bro', but I don't blame him. He's an amazing person, he deserves better people than me."

Paper Jam's POV

All of a sudden, my vision goes blurry. Fresh makes me look at him, he rests his hand on mine, and his other hand finds it's way to my face. He's wiping away the tears I didn't know I was shedding. He then pulls me into a tender embrace, and rocks us back and forth while whispering soothing things into my ear. His words may have been incoherent nothings, but it did the trick.

We stayed in this position, and soon the exhaustion from crying and ranting started tugging at my eyelids. I was soon lulled to sleep, wrapped in the comforting arms my crush possessed.

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