Number 14

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Number 14: People Who Spoil It For The Rest Of Us.

I think there is like 7 things we can't even do at school anymore because fucktarded people over did it and spoiled it for the rest of us. It pissed me off every single time the deputy principle says "you can't do blah blah blah because some people didn't do the right thing." Or "you're not allowed to do this or that because what you guys did was incorrect." And stupid shit like that.

Things we're probably aren't allowed to do anymore or we know we can't do anymore:

1. Wear Canterbury (mostly the shorts and pants) to school.(Canterbury is a New Zealand brand that make really comfortable clothing, for those who didn't know)

2. Wear hoodies to school. (this is complete bullshit! Winter is fucking cold wear I am and my school jumpers aren't that warm, so most of us wear hoodies to keep warm, BUT THEY FUCKING BANNED IT!)

3. Muck up day or "fun day" as my principle says it will probably be banned next year. (Someone in my sisters year went down the water slide naked)

4. Not having mufti days sucks majorly. (I sadly have a uniform and having one day where we don't wear it to school would be amazing)

5. Can't have swimming carnivals anymore. (Not enough people cared to hand in a fucking note saying you could go to the pools and do practically nothing all day)

6. Athletics carnivals has been cancelled every year since I got to high school. (Again, no one cared)

7. Mine year 9 excursion was cancelled this year because my year is fucked up and didn't give a fuck, oh, I'm sorry that some of us wanted to go to a water-park for a day just to chill and hang out with friends, you know somewhere different but my year just couldn't give two shit on what the rest of us think and so the school cancelled it.

Ugh! Okay, I know my school is fucked up but I mean they actually offer decent stuff to us and all we, the students, have to do is follow some simple rules but NOOOOOO!!! The students are fucking brain dead and can't follow the simplest tasks and when the school bans something that was actually decent to do, they chuck a massive skits just because THEY didn't do it right or someone broke the rules. It's pathetic and annoying.

Like why the fuck would you do something you're not supposed to then later when we are told not to do it anymore, bitch about it and say "it's the teachers fault, it's the schools fault, they just want us to be miserable at school." WRONG FUCKFACES! IT'S BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING STUDENTS WHO DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT PEOPLE! Like I bet they would probably throw their best friend under a bus if it was to save themselves.. Or worst yet, to save their phones... Would not surprise me if that happened at my school.

So if someone or a group of people fuck up something worth doing and someone bans it, blame those dumbasses, it's not the school/work fault that they have to put up with fuckwits they ruin everything for everybody.

Date: 8/12/13 (12 more days till Christmas! I am physically not happy about this fact.)

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