Number 21

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Number 21: "Old Yella!!"

Okay, so a few people would get this, which I mean my friends. But this is one of the several nicknames this misunderstood boy who is lost in a world of fuckwitiness. No seriously, he's fucked up.

So this majestic creature is so unique because of the things he says and does. One example is that he wouldn't licks the bottom of my boyfriends show for $11 but he licked the bottom of one of my friend's shoe for $3. Like what the fuck, seriously.

I'm not going to name this... Person.. But my friends who read this will know exactly who I'm talking about.

Okay. All seriousness here. He's literally the most fucking up person I've ever met. He says and does the stupidest shit imaginable and he does some of it for money (the example above is a damn good one) and you think he would have some respect for himself? Wrong! No self-respect whatsoever. And some of the stupid shit his says, fuck, If I got a dollar for every time he would say something stupid, I'd be pretty much be rich right now.

Some examples are:

• "rape is hot" what... whAt!

•"I was drunk for the entire relationship" and he wonders why his relationships don't last..

Fuck it, there's too many to name.

But some of the shit he's done include:

• saying his dick was yellow

• someone bets him to do something, and it could be so gross, he would consider it, but chickens out in the end

• talks about his "better bros" but doesn't hang out with them

• saying that his girlfriend, who is one of my best friends, is his property and that he can do whatever he wants. Like fuck off, she can do whatever she wants too! And she's not anyone's property!

• acts really sexually creepy towards two of the guys in my friends group. All three have girlfriends, but do you think that's not the majestic beast? Lol! No! Pffft!!!

And so on..

Oh yeah. He's really racist. Like for example, a few days ago, he went to go get a brain scan because he head continually hurting. So the doctor treating him was Indian, he said that he doesn't trust the doctor doing the scan because he was Indian. What the living fuck does that have to do with him telling you you're completely fine?! Fucking hell!

Literally, everyone in my group is sick of him. Everyone also points out about something that I don't want to name about him and he gets really angry but it's fact, he can't argue with facts.

So to my dear, dear majestic creature, please, for the love of fucking god, used your god damn brain for once in your life and think about things before you do them! Because you do some pretty nasty shit. Like lick the bottom of someone's shoe for $8 cheaper then it originally was.

He works at McDonald's and I think he might be there awhile...

Date: 31/8/14

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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