1) sighs and lies

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Chay's pov

"So, are you coming?" Aimi asked.

My mouth formed a smile as I said "You're my best friend, ofcourse I'm coming".

Aimi and I were sitting in a cafe near my new house. Well, new... A year. And it wasn't exactly my house. It was our house. 'Our' meaning me and Junhoe.

"Just one thing..." Aimi continued. I sighted and leaned my head on my hand. Why? Why was there always one thing.

"Junhoe is coming." I shot my oh so deer best friend and furious look, just to calm myself down again after seeing her sorry expression. "I know you guys broke up, but he's my friend too. Besides, Hanbin wanted me to invite him since they never really see each other anymore." Her face lid up right after she said Hanbin's name. How is it that after six years she still blushes so much whenever she talks about him. I guess that's what they call being blessed.

Me on the other hand wasn't that blessed with the whole cupid thing. In fact I was the opposite.

I was cursed.

Me and Junhoe, the happily in love couple we were, decided to buy a house together. We had been in an offcial relationship for five years and we were happy. It seemed like such a good idea, because Junhoe's mom moved to Japan and he was alone and my parents... Well they didn't really care. Junhoe's mom totally agreed and even sent us money to pay for the house. We were both working and Junhoe earned a lot. If you add the money I made we could even take care of a baby, but thank god we didn't.

Cause that's where it all went down the road, my children.

He changed to how he was before we met. Rude, I mean. Not saying sorry whenever he did something, rolling his eyes to whatever I said. He never wanted to hang out, eat together or anything. I was hurt and annoyed and I just wanted to scream at him.

Being salty bitch I was, I actually screamed at him.

He got mad at me too and we kind of broke up there. We still live together, yet we barely see eachother. And when we do it's painful. For me, at least. I get reminded of how we used to be. I guess he doesn't feel that way.

"You don't have to talk to eachother, but please come. There will be alcohol?" She said grinning. Oh she knows how to convince me.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not an alcoholist. But after hearing that I kind of wanted to come.

I sighted. "Why is my best friend so evil?" I asked. She smiled, knowing that meant that I was coming. "Isn't that why I'm your best friend?"

"Just eat." I said grinning.

"Yes, mrs. Koo. You're completely right. You obviously wanted them first." I spoke into my phone. I was on my way home from the supermarket, one of tge things I did when I didn't have to work after school. I didn't have a choice since Junhoe didn't do anything.

"At least you get me. Tsk... I should've just grabbed them out of her hands and run away." I heard mrs. Koo complain on the other side of the line.

Oh... I forgot to mention. Junhoe hasn't told his mom we broke up yet. I don't mind her daily calls about shoes and how the people don't stop bitching when they get older, but I felt bad for lying to her. 'Shut up. I'll tell her myself' is what Junhoe'd say everything I brought it up. It's been seven months and she still doesn't know.

First his excuse was that she'd feel stressed, thinking her son was being depressed on the other side of the sea because of a break up. However when she moved back to Korea three months ago, he still didn't tell her.

"Ah, it doesn't matter. Enough about me, how are thing going between you and Junhoe? Did he propose to you yet?" She really knew how to hit the spot.

I could just feel her fangirl smile through the phone. I sighted and rolled my eyes as I held my phone between my shoulder and my cheek, trying to open the front door. "No hahaha." I faked a laugh. "It's fine as it it right now, really." I lied.

I shot a quick gaze through the livingroom to see Junhoe laying on the couch before I stumbled to the kitchen to drop the million bags I tried to hold in my hands. Yeah sure, why would you offer help?

"Yeah, but still Chay. You guys have been dating for-" she suddenly stopped talking.

"Oh frick. Chay I have to hang up, my boss is coming. Let's have dinner tomorrow, hmm? Bye, sweetheart!!" She hung up. I got my phone between my shoulder and my cheek and sighted, turning to face Junhoe. How rare seeing his butt apart from the couch. The only reason he stood up is to check if I brought him any food anyway.

"That was your mom just now. She asked about marriage again." I looked at him. I wasn't expecting a look back, but he did look at me.

"Tell her we broke up." He said and walked back to the couch, stuffing his mouth with a slice of bread.

"Weren't you supposed to tell her yourself?" I raised my eyebrows. "Nah, you do it." He said. I scoffed. Is this asshole serious?

I walked to the couch and shoved his legs off it. Grabbing the remote, I turned to the tv and turned it off. Junhoe opened his full mouth to say something, but closed it as soon as he saw my furious look. "Stop this right now. I'm not your slave, I'm not your maid and I'm certainly not your girlfriend anymore so stop treating like all of them in one! I'm not telling your mom, you are. I'm having dinner with her tomorrow and you're coming too. And you better wear something decent and not this hoodie you've been wearing for the past eight months!" I yelled at him. His eyes widened and he stood up.

Ah damn, I should've be careful using my words. How can someone who only eats and moves from the couch to his bed be so muscular though? Does he secretly work out?

I was suprised to see him sigh and nodd instead of yelling at me. Is he going to listen to me?

"Okay. I'll go with you and I'll tell her. But I won't tell her it's been seven months. I'll say ... A week or something." He said. I was speechless. What was I supposed to say now? I never expected him to respond like that.

"Y-yeah!" I awkwardly said. He lifted his hands and layed his hand down on my head. His head lowered to my length. "Now stop bothering me." He softly said before he pushed me back.

"Tsk... Asshole." I complained under my breath as I grabbed my backpack and walked upstairs to my room.

Well, at least he's telling her.

Well, here it is. Mr. Idiot book 2. I'm going to do my best to write and upload a lot, but don't blame me if I forget for a week. Hihi. See you next chapter!


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