3) confessions and kisses

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"Chay!" Mrs. Koo stood up as soon as she saw me. She looked so good. She was wearing a fancy black over-knee dress with matching black heels. I smiled as she hugged me tight.

"It's been so long!" She said. That wasn't true because I came by her work to bring her the lunchbox she asked me to make, but she had a habit of making things sound worse than they are. That's also the reason why I was afraid to tell her that we broke up, she'll think of it way worse than it is.

"June baby. It's been so long since I've seen you!" She let me go and took her son in her arms. I smiled at the sight of Junhoe awkwardly being bearhugged by his mom. She let go and frowned. "How come you never come by anymore, hmm? Just because you're an adult doesn't mean you can just forget about me!" She smacked his arm. Not being able to stop myself, I let out a laugh. Mrs. Koo turned around and smiled again, leading us to the table. There were already 3 plates with food on it, which was weird since you had to walk to get food.

"Oh yeah. I couldn't help myself and I got some food for you guys." She said laughing as she sat down. Junhoe and I sat down on the opposite side, Junhoe in front of her and I next to him.

"Some food? This is enough to feed everyone here." He looked at his plate in digust. I snorted. "Ungrateful dick." I said under my breath. Apparantly he heard me, cause he squeezed my leg under the table making me curse and squeel and jump up in my chair. "Holy! Chay what are you doing?"

I looked as mrs. Koo and smiled. "I thought I saw G-Dragon from bigbang. It wasn't him, I apologize." I lied. Though she believed it and sighted. "G-Dragon really is amazing though... I understand." She said. "Now how are you guys doing? Are you thinking about kids yet?" I felt Junhoes eyes on me, but I looked the other way. Untill he suddenly grabbed my hand and layed it on the table. I looked at him.

The fuck you think you're doing?

"Actually..." He began. Oh no.

"I KNEW IT! Chay, you're pregnant aren't you? I knew I had to bring money. I am totally ready to support you financially! What's the gender? How many months left?" She asked. Junhoe smiled.

"We found out yesterday. Just seven months left and we are-"

"-breaking up." I interrupted him. He looked at me in suprise, his mom wearing the same exact expression. "He's lying. I forced him to come with us to tell you himself, but I guess he's not planning to do so." I said to him, looking straight in his eyes.

"Chay why-"

"Ask him. I have no idea what the fuck got into him but this is the first time in these past months that he wears something else than his pajamas." I started tearing up, but I refused to break eyecontact. "This is the first time he's smiled at me or talk to me without being mean or sarcastic. And guess what? He's just playing fucking pretend." By this time my first two tears had fallen down. I was really holding back, trying not to break down into tears. Slowly I let go of his warm hand and turned to face his mom.

"I'm honestly so sorry for lying to you these past months, but I really enjoy talking to you so I hope this doesn't mean you're not going to call me anymore. Now if you don't mind..." I stood up from my chair and bowed my head to mrs. Koo in respect. "I'm sorry for leaving early and swearing in front of you. Have a nice evening."

Without looking back at Junhoe, I left the restaurant. Fuck, we went by his car. I let out a frustrated moan and stomped my feet on the ground as a child. Being childish was my last worry right now. I was all dressed up and I had to walk all the way back home, when I'd arrive home after three hours of walking, Junhoe would be there and that is going to be hella awkward.

Tsk. Why should I care? I said what needed to be said and I got it off my chest, right? He deserves every word. Now I better get going before someone comes after me.

"Why didn't he come after me?" I sighted out loud. I'm not the princess who needs to be saved, but why did they just continue having dinner if I just caused a scene like that? Asshole. I took another sip of my third beer. I'm not a depressed drinker, I just wanted some beer. So I went to the nearest convience store and bought five bottles of beer. It wasn't like I was driving anyways.

"Chay!" I heard someone yell. "Yeah what?" I whispered.

"Chay stop!" I heard. I stopped walking and sighted. "Mind your own business!" I yelled. I looked up and saw no one. Where did the voice come from? Was it... my inner self?!

Suddenly a hand grabbed my shoulder and turned me around, immediatly pulling me in for a hug. Without thinking I hugged the person back, burrying my nose in his chest. He smelled nice. Who was it?

"Watch out. Why did you drink?" The person asked. I recognised the voice, though I didn't know from where.

"Because I was upset." I awnsered.

"Just call me when you're upset. You can talk to me, you know." He said. I didn't even realise it, but tears were rolling down my cheeks. "You never awnser my calls! The only time you text me is when you need something! Did you even love me at all?!" I cried.

"What are you talking about? What happened to you, I've never seen you like this before." He said. I pulled out of the hug to see who it was. Wasn't it Junhoe?

"Are you okay?" He asked. I opened and closed my eyes to try making my sight clearer.

"J-jaebum..." Fuck, I had been lying about Junhoe and just ruined it. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to cry in front of-"

Before I knew it his lips crashed into mine. I never thought this would happen. Jaebum just kissed me. I just cried in front of him and showed him my weakness.

Jaebum just kissed me.

In a rush I pulled back and looked at him. The sorry expression on his face turned red in shame.

Wait a minute, why would I care? I was worried about not being loyal to Junhoe but honestly, we broke up. There was nothing to be loyal to. Why wouldn't I kiss him?

With those thoughts leading me, I pulled his face closer and kissed him back. He responded by holding my waist with one hand and supporting the back of my head with the other. What was happening?

Junhoe pov

Where the fuck was she? Why did I only realise it now? It was my fault we broke up. She still loved me, she wouldn't be so upset if she didn't, right?

I had been driving around for a while, looking for Chay. The chance I was going to find her was small, but I didn't care. I needed to tell her I was sorry.

Even though the chance was small, I still found her. But not how I wanted to. Her arms were around a guy just a bit smaller than I was. He was holding her tight and caressing her back. I pulled over and opened the window I so could listen to their conversation.

"Just call me when you're upset. You can talk to me, you know." the guy said. They were friends? I looked at Chay. She was holding a plastic bag and a beerbottle. Was she drunk? She started crying. "You never awnser my calls! The only time you text me is when you need something! Did you even love me at all?!" I wanted to go out of the car and push him away. Hold her myself and tell her it was okay, then make her tea back home and tell her how I was sorry, but I couldn't. I didn't deserve it.

"What are you talking about? What happened to you, I've never seen you like this before." the guy said. Was it about me then? Did she think she was hugging me instead of him? Chay stopped crying and looked up at him.

"Are you okay?" He asked. She said something I couldn't overhear and that's when it happened. He kissed her. Instantly I sat up in suprised. She pushed him back and looked at him. I  let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Being relieved only lasted for three mere seconds, because right after that she kissed him back. Why did she even push him away in the first place? He gladly took her in his arms and kissed her back, making me curse out loud.

I couldn't stand looking at it. I immediatly started the car and drove away. Let him take you home then.

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