ii. •Tyler•

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ii. •Tyler•

I stood in the airport holding a sign for Troye so he would know where to find me. There were lots of fans here, but I was just really excited to see Troye. I'd been talking to him all day and I'd been upset with myself that I hadn't already best friended this kid. He's amazing! As I saw that people were finally walking off of the plane, I got butterflies in my stomach. Was I actually nervous? 'Its just Troye!' I tried to tell myself but it didn't help a bit.

It had been a few minutes and I wished I could just spot Troye. I started to pull out my phone but as I started to reach my hand into my pocket just as I felt two arms come around and embrace me. Troye smelt wonderful. It wasn't something that I could explain, but all I knew is that he smelt like heaven.

"Tyler!" Troye shrieked.

"Troye!" I squealed.

I know I'd never met this boy in my life before and we'd only really started talking yesterday, but it felt like we'd known each other our whole lives.

We finally broke broke apart and Troye had the biggest smile on his face but I'm pretty sure mine was even bigger.

I took a real look at Troye in person for the first time and real words could not even process through my brain. Damn, he was reaallly attractive. I blushed at the thought of this and realized it's not like we could ever even date because I was gay and he was straight and he was perfect and I wasn't. We kind of just stared at each other for awhile and took in each other's presence.

Finally, I broke the silence by saying, "So, let's go get your stuff so we can get the hotel, yeah?" Troye just nodded and we walked together in silence to go get his bags.

When I was around Troye I was very quiet which was a very unusual experience for me. I was usually the loud, peppy, sassy, happy Tyler that everyone knew and loved but when I looked into Troye's eyes my brain stopped processing thoughts and got loads of butterflies in my stomach. I seriously hated feeling this way because I knew that there was no chance that we could ever be together because of first of all , the 6 year age difference. He was eighteen for crying out loud! He wouldn't like an older man like me. Second, he was straight like I mentioned before. Last time I checked, straight people do not fall in love with gays.

When we got to the car I found out that Troye was staying in the same hotel as me, thankfully, and apologized for being shy because he usually wasn't. Apparently he was just jetlagged and seriously overtired. Although this could possibly be true, I'd hoped that it wasn't the case and his loss for words was the same reason as mine.


After we'd unpacked all of Troye's things he stated he needed to take a nap because he was so tired, so I told him I'd wake him in a few hours so we could go out to dinner with some other youtuber friends. I smiled as he tucked himself into the bed and shut the door, wishing I could stay with Troye forever.

As I got back to my hotel room, I immediately pulled out my laptop and went to YouTube. I went to the search bar and quickly typed in , 'Troye Sivan'. I knew that this was a slightly obsessive thing for me to do, but I did it anyway because of a strange feeling in the pit of my gut which seemed to be telling me to.

After watching some of his videos I had concluded a few things. For one, he was an amazing singer and artist. Two, he was hysterical. Third, he was the exact type of person that I could fall in love with.

I went to go pick him up after few hours. Zoe had texted me and said that she had set up a big dinner with loads of youtubers and asked if I wanted to go. Of course, I said yes and was just happy that I wasn't the one who had to set up the dinner. That's just a lot of work. Anyways, I told Zoe that I could come and that I was going to bring Troye with me. She didn't know that we were friends but was relieved nonetheless.


I had gone to pick up Troye at 5 o clock to make sure I had time for him to wake up and he had time to get ready. When I walked into his room, my heart swelled. Troye sleeping was possibly the most adorable thing I had ever seen. I silently walked over to him and sat down on the bed next to him. I watched him sleep for a good five-ten minutes. I watched him breathe in and out. I watched him sleep peacefully, laying in the bed. My heart almost stopped when I saw him start shaking in the bed a tad. His breathing quickened and he started mumbling things inaudibly. I had an urge to wake him, but didn't want to because I was the selfish little shit I am and just wanted to watch him.

Suddenly, Troye was speaking louder. "Tyler..." My heart stopped.


"No.. no.. please"


"Leave him alone.."

His shaking got worse and he rolled over in the bed. I could tell he was suffering and I couldn't handle it anymore. I scooted closer to him and carefully picked Troye up and layed him in my lap. His eyes flew open and he flushed a dark shade of red. Wow, he was cute when he blushed. He was still shaking and his eyes looked bloodshot and it was only then that I realized that after he had rolled over he had started crying. I pulled Troye closer and wrapped my arms around him. I barely knew this boy but I could already tell that I wouldn't be able to survive if I lost him.

He layed limpy in my arms as I held him. He seemed so fragile, so delacate, so breakable. I decided right in that moment that I would protect this boy from any harm.

Suddenly, his eyes flickered open. He looked up at me, confused.

"Tyler?" He mumbled.

"Hey sugar," I whispered.

"Wha- What happened? What did you see?" He asked nervously.

"I came to wake you up 'cause it was time to get ready, but you started shaking and stuff and you looked really scared and upset but I didn't wanna wake you in case you would do something so I just tried to calm you down while you were still sleeping. And I think it seemed to work at least a little bit," I told him.

"Oh, okay," He sighed in relief.

What didn't he want me to find out? I mean everyone gets nightmares. Maybe what he said in his sleep? That he was dreaming of me? He was dreaming of me. Oh god, maybe that was it. Troye Sivan drempt of me. What was he dreaming about?

Questions clouded my head until Troye's voice broke my thoughts, telling me that he was gonna go quickly shower and get changed and ready for dinner. I quickly nodded and then again the thoughts of Troye filled my thoughts.

A/N: thanks for reading, please vote and comment <3

Fixing Him (A Troyler Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now