xviii. •Tyler•

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xviii. •Tyler•

Troye had woke up, but was not in very good condition. Yes, he could walk on his own, talk on his own, but he was sick, and to see him losing hope in recovering killed me.

"Mr. Oakley," a lady with blonde hair called my name and I looked up at her from the chair I was sitting in.

"You're Troye Mellet's boyfriend, right?" She asked me.

"Yeah," I nodded, "How do you know who I am?"

"Come to my office and I'll explain to you," she told me. I hesitantly nodded, stood up and followed her. Her office was a lounge-like room and there were various paintings on the walls. She sat down on a chair and ushered me to sit down on the sofa.

"Coffee, tea?" She asked me while pouring herself a cup. I shook my head, wondering who this woman was.

"Who are you?" I asked her once we had settled down.

"I'm Olivia Moore, a social worker at the hospital. I deal with conditions such as depression, self harm and anxiety."

My heart beat almost stopped, I knew they had seen Troye's cuts, I just didn't know that they were going to do anything about it.

"As you may or my not know, Troye Sivan has been harming himself which usually links to disorders such as depression and anxiety. We recommend that Troye see me or any other therapist or social worker to help him recover."

"He is recovering," I told the therapist.

"Maybe he was at one point, but as we analyzed him we noticed some fresh scars on his wrists."

I was getting irritated on why she was telling me things I already knew.

"Yeah, but Troye isn't here because of his self harm. He's here because he got sick. I don't understand how his illness corresponds with his depression," I told her. I didn't like how this woman could come out of the blue and tell me that Troye needed to recover which was obviously something that I already knew.

"Mr. Oakley-" I cut her off.

"Call me Tyler, all this Mr. Oakley shit pisses me off."

"Okay, Tyler, Troye's depression is something that could be holding him back from many things-"

"Yeah, yeah," I rolled my eyes.

"-such as recovery."

"Why are you stating the obvious?"

"I don't think you're understanding, the recovery of his current illness."

My breath hitched, "Wait, so his depression is what is making him sick?" It seemed too unbelievable.

"Sometimes, serious mental illnesses can also cause physical ones."

I didn't like the way this was going. There was a possiblity Troye could feel very sick and not feel better for a long while, especially with his major depression.

"I am a trained professional who can help Troye with this." I nodded my head, slowly.

"Would you allow me to speak with him and help him?" She politely asked. The politeness honestly pissed me off.

"I guess, but after one session, call me back and tell me what happens." She nodded her head.

I got up to leave as she said, "Tyler."

I turned back around to face the woman, "Tyler, Troye does not need to know that you know this information."

"Why not?" I demanded, already irritated and upset about the whole situation already.

"If Troye knows why this is happening, it may not be good for him. Maybe you can tell him after the fact that his illness is due to another, invisible illness."

"Troye deserves to know," I said, trying to stay calm.

"Yes, but Tyler, if Troye does find out, we don't want him to do anything reckless."

"Reckless? Please. Stop acting like you know Troye when you don't. I'm so sick of shit like this happening. Yeah, you can help him and stuff, but for me to keep something like this from Troye for that long is bullshit. Troye has rights, too. Yeah, maybe I won't tell him now. But I will eventu ally tell him. You can't tell me shit and expect me not to tell the closest person in my life. It just doesn't work that way."

And with that, I turned around and walked out the door.


Later that day I layed in bed with Troye and he suddenly shot up in the bed.

"Tyler!" He steamed, I could practically see the steam coming out of his ears.

"Yeah?" I nervously asked.

"Guess what happened today?"

"What happened?"

"They got me a shrink," he spat.

"Why would they do that?" I asked him, obviously lying.

"Who the hell knows? Like what the fuck, I'm here because I'm sick, not because I'm gonna kill myself!"

I stiffened at the thought of him killing himself.

"I'm sorry Tilly, I'm just really frustrated," I pulled him closer to me, sensing the need to be held.

"I know, babe," I whispered, "I know."

"Tyler," He looked up at me, "You didn't say anything, right? Like, you didn't tell them about my um you know," he rambled as I traced my fingers over his fresh scars.

"Tilly," he stopped speaking and looked at me as my eyes filled with tears.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I-I didn't want you to worry about me," he whispered, barely audible, "I mean, you have enough to worry about other than me, you have a life outside of worrying about me, I mean-" Troye finally let go and broke down, crying into my chest.

"Sh, Troye, Shh," I soothingly rubbed his back as my tears also began to flow, "Also, Troye, you are my life." He smiled through his obvious pain and my heart broke. Troye, my Troye, was in pain and I could not help him in any way.

"Tyler, I just- I just I'm always sad," he sobbed, "I don't even know why, even when I'm happy I'm sad! I don't know why, Tilly, I try so hard and it's not you but I didn't want you to worry or I might disappoint you or something, I just-" I smashed my lips against his before he could finish.

"Hey, look at me," I told him after I pulled away, "I love you. I will always be here for you. You can tell me anything, you know that, right? Maybe the hospital is right, babe. Maybe you should get some help for your problems. It might help you feel better."

"Tilly," he sighed, still crying, " I- I just want to be happy."

"It's okay, babe," I muttered.

And that's how we stayed for the rest of the night, curled up together, taking in each other's prescence.

A/N: Troyler livestream?! I got noticed and literally almost died. All this troyler has literally killed me. But also thank you so much for 12K reads, what?! You all slay me. I wish I could update more for y'all, but school literally consumes my life, sigh.

Also! Awhile ago I wrote a troyler one shot, so if you want, you guys could go read that ;)

My social networks :

tumblr: tilly-slays.tumblr.com

twitter: twitter.com/oktroyler_

kik: tinmac11

I love yew guys!!


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