xvi. •Tyler•

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xvi. •Tyler•

Blue was my favorite color. It reminded me of the sea, waves of heaven, a color that you could drown in because of it's beauty.

I always loved Troye's eyes and they were blue which made it even better. I rolled over one morning to see beautiful blue eyes staring back at me and I couldn't help but melt inside.

Troye's presence calmed me down. Maybe it was because of his blue eyes, I don't know. Whenever I would feel nervous about anything, all I had to do was look into his beautiful eyes and I was relax.

Troye's lips were a bit blue that morning, but not to the extent of his eyes.

"Troye," I muttered, pressing a finger to his lips, "are you feeling alright?"

He coughed, "I'm fine."

I took my forearm and pressed it against his forehead.

"Troye, you feel like you have a fever or something."

"I just have a little cold, I told you, I'm fine," he whispered.

I jumped out of bed and ran to get the thermometer I kept in my house.

"Let me take your temperature, roll over," I told him.

He obliged and I stuck the thermometer in his ear and waited for it to beep.

"Shit," I muttered, "Troye, you have a really high fever, I'm gonna go get you some Tylenol."

"Thanks, Tilly," he attempted to yell after me as I left the room.

I came back and gave him a water bottle and some pills.

He fell asleep soon after with his head resting on my shoulder. I put my forearm on his head and it still felt like he had a fever. Suddenly, he bolted up right in bed. He was breathing heavily and looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"Tilly," he whispered, and flung his arms around me. I gave him a worried look and let him snuggle closer to me.

"You won't leave, right?" He asked me, breathlessly. I looked at him and shook my head and then planted a kiss on his head. It always bothered me that Troye thought that I was just going to get up and leave him. It hurt to see him so broken and fragile and I wished that I could just keep him in my arms forever.

"Tilly, it's cold," he said, his blue eyes gazing into my own.

"I'll get you a blanket," I left him and frowned at the loss of touch. I got the blanket and threw it over him and he tried to get comfortable.

"Do you need anything else?" I asked him.

He looked at me and muttered , "You," while patting the space next to him on the bed.

I let out a small smile and nodded, laying on the bed next to Troye. My arms immediately wrapped themselves around him, bringing him closer to me. He slowly started to drift off into sleep with my chest as his pillow.

The next day, Troye's fever had risen. It was high before but now I was beginning to worry. He hadn't woken up yet and I stared at him in his sleep. I was nervous that a night tremor would wake him but one never did. He whined in his sleep and all I wanted to do was to make him feel better again.

"T-Tilly," He muttered and slowly moved closer to me. His eyes slowly opened and adjusted to the lighting.

"Tilly, it's cold," he whispered. He was shaking like a leaf and was burning up. I went and got him more blankets but he was still freezing.

I layed back down in the bed and pulled him into my arms. I tried to warm him up, but I also wanted to comfort him and make him feel better.

"Tyler," he mumbled into my chest as he looked up at me.

"Yeah, boo?" I asked while trying to pull him closer to me.

"What's wrong with me?"

"I don't know, should I bring you to a doctor?"

"NO!" Troye responded, a little too quickly for my liking.

"But you're sick," I muttered, suddenly liking the idea of getting him checked out.

"I don't like doctors," he told me quietly.

"Oh, Troye," I whispered as he rested his head back on my chest.


The next morning I tried to wake Troye but he didn't respond.

"Morning, Troye," I muttered, rolling over. He didn't respond.

"Troye," I sat up and shook him.

"Troye," I said louder, my heart beat faster.

He didn't move.

I shook him faster.

He didn't wake up.

I leaned my head against his chest and his breathing was shallow and seemed slower than normal speed.

"Troye!" I screamed, and pulled his limp body into my arms. Tears ran down my cheeks as I hugged his unmoving body.

I slowly set him back down on the bed and ran to get my phone. I called the ambulance and then ran back to Troye. I looked at his unmoving body and lost it. I cried harder than I ever had in my life. I leaned down and kissed his lips. I kissed his face and everywhere else on his body.

I collapsed and buried my face in his shirt as I cried. I heard people come in as they pryed me off of Troye and put him on a stretcher. They told me I could come in the ambulance and I slowly nodded.

As we drove to the hospital, I stared at Troye's unmoving body and I fought back the returning tears. What if they couldn't get him to wake up?


"He's fallen into a coma due to his illness. If you didn't call us, his condition may have been even more severe."

Troye was in a bed, still unconscious with IVs in his arms and had a ventilator on. The doctor was talking to me about his condition but I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe that my boyfriend had suddenly fallen into a coma due to a severe virus. All they could do was wait for him to wake up. It didn't feel real. I wished that it was just a bad dream and I would wake up and he would be laying next to me on the bed, but it was real.

"Mr. Oakley," the doctor waved his hand in front of my face, " I know this is hard for you but please just listen to me."

"Wi-Will he wake up?" I asked, nervously.

"Of course there's the possiblity that he won't, but in this situation I think that he will," the doctor smiled at me and mine grew.

"He'll be alright," the doctor smiled at me, patted me on the shoulder and left the room.

I went and sat down on the chair next to Troye's bed.

"Wake up, bae," I muttered, so silent I didn't even know if I had said it aloud.

I took my hand and brushed the hair out of his face. The feel of his skin against mine made my fingers tingle and I smiled at the fact that he wasn't even awake and he could still affect me.

His hospital gown was short sleeve and I could see scars on Troye's arms. My fingers lightly traced over them and my heart broke when I realized that some of them looked semi-new. Fresh scars. The idea of fresh scars frightened me because that meant that he had been cutting behind my back.

I leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the lips, wishing he was awake, here with me.

A/N: Oh my god I'm sososososo sorry for not updating! I wish I had a valid reason but honestly, I've just haven't had the motivation to do anything and writing was not one of the things that I had wanted to do, but I finished the chapter and started to feel a little better so I'm gonna try and write more often now, yeah?!

8K?! How even!? I love you guys!!

I also changed my tumblr url so it's now : tilly-slays.tumblr.com ! Shameless self promotion!

ALSO. Troyler has been together and the feels and selfies and i just!? Maybe a valentines day video, ay? ;)

I love you guys so so much and thanks for reading!!


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