vi. •Tyler•

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vi. •Tyler•

I sat on the bed in Troye's hotel room with my head in my hands. I fought the tears that were threatening to come out. I slowly stood up, wiped tears off my eyes and walked out the door. As soon as I exited the hotel, I ran. I ran and I ran and I ran. I called Troye's name probably thousands of times, but no response. I checked stores he could be in, everywhere. I must have been miles from where the hotel was when I spotted a park. There was a bench and I was exhausted so I went and sat down. I put my head in my hands as I muttered Troye's name. I finally let the tears I'd been holding in shed. They rolled down my face and I didn't care who saw. It must have been awhile that I sat there crying, but again, I didn't care.

I slowly stood up, my hands shaking. I pulled out my phone to see if he had done anything recently on twitter, tumblr, anywhere. Nothing. I got up, determined to find this boy. I wandered around the park, still, nothing. I stood near a bush, again checking Troye's social media when I heard leaves or something ruffling in the bush. I raced over to find an almost unconscious Troye. He was quickly fading and I had no idea what to do. He finally passed out, but I caught his head before it hit the ground.

"Troye," I muttered. I looked around to see if I could find out why this happened to him when I finally found it. I found a razor blade lying next to his hand and my eyes widened. No, Troye wasn't like that. Was he? I looked at his wrists and there were a few cuts, but minimal damage. That was when I realized blood soaking through his tee shirt. I rolled up the tee shirt and found many scars, old and new. There was one that stood out, though. It looked very deep and was bleeding profusely. I took a leaf, the only thing I had, and pushed and held it against Troye's bleeding arm.

Troye's eyes suddenly, slowly opened.


He flinched as I unintentionally pushed a little harder on his cut.

"Why are you crying?"

"Troye," I muttered as I pulled him into my arms.

"Troye, I'm so happy you're okay," I said in the loudest voice I could. I was crying a lot now, but they were more of happiness than sadness.

"Tyler, why are you here?"

His question confused me. Why was I here? Oh god.

"You-you ran away. And no one knew where you were and," I took a deep breath, "and I ran to find you and I couldn't find you anywhere, and oh Troye," I pulled him into my arms as the tears rolled down my cheeks.

"But Tyler, I'm nothing to you," He pulled away from me.

My eyes grew dark and responded, "Who told you that?"

"No one told me that, I heard you talking to Zoe in Starbucks. I get it, you don't have to pretend you like me along with everyone else," He bit his lip. I felt so terrible for this gorgeous boy, that he couldn't see how amazing he really was.

"Troye, I told her we were friends, really good friends. Honestly, you've turned into one of my best friends. I don't know what I would do without you," I looked at the ground and bit my lip, fighting the tears that we're threatening to fall for the thousandth time that day, "I mean Troye, I honestly am - oh shit, hold on." Troye was bleeding again. A lot. It was gushing. I grabbed loads of leaves and lightly pushed them onto the wound. He winced and I muttered a sorry.

"Do you think you can hold it?"


I stared at him admiring his beauty.



"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For this," He gestured to his arms, "You probably think I'm such a freak now," He said a little quieter.

"Troye, this does not make you a freak. It makes me want to -" I stopped. I didn't know if I was ready to tell him. I mean, there was a huge chance he didn't like me.



"It makes you want to what?"

"If I tell you, will you promise not to get mad?"

"Of course," He rolled his eyes. Maybe he was feeling a little better.

"It makes me want to kill anything that ever made you hurt yourself, even if it means myself. It makes me want protect you from everything because seeing you hurt is hurting me a hell of a lot more than you think. It makes me want to kiss all of your pain away so you'll never hurt again."

"You- you'd kiss me?"

"Yeah, but I understand you'd never want that because you're you and I'm just the gay best friend who -" Before I could finish Troye did something that I never thought in a million years he would.

He kissed me.

The kiss was sloppy, but it was filled with passion. His fingers wandered through my hair as I tried to pull him closer to me. Our lips molded together perfectly and I honestly could probably have stayed in that position forever. I frowned when I realized I had to pull away to look at Troye's wound which was still bleeding.

I pulled away, bit my lip, and grabbed some more leaves.


"Yeah sugar?"

"I've have to tell you something,"

"What is it?"

"I'm gay."

I held in laughter as I didn't want to hurt him, but leaned in and gave him a peck on the cheeck.


We walked back to the hotel hand in hand. Troye held a few leaves in his hands against his cut in the other. I was so shocked with myself that I actually told Troye. Maybe it was the adrenaline or maybe it was the fact that I almost lost him, either way I was so happy that I did.


"Yeah cupcake?"

"Do you have any money on you?"

I nodded, "Why?"

"I want to get some gauze for my cuts."

"That's a great idea."

After we got his gauze, he seemed more relaxed. I had a horrible feeling that he'd used loads of gauze on his cuts before and I felt my heart break. I hated the fact that this beautiful boy could feel so much pain.

When we finally reached the hotel, Troye again looked nervous.

"They're gonna ask about the gauze and look," he showed me his wrists, "I don't usually cut here and they'll see."

"Come on," I took him up the stairs where I knew we wouldn't see anyone and took him to my hotel room, locking the door behind us.

"Now, which stylish clothing item would you like today?" Troye snorted and took an oversized sweatshirt.

"Thanks Tilly," He gave me a huge hug after he put it on and I thanked God for giving me such an amazing person in my life.

A/N: Ahhhhhh Troyler!! Happiness ! Also, in the media section there should be a trailer that I made! If not, I also put a link in a tweet on twitter, but the link is also here:

Thanks so much for reading lovers! <3


Fixing Him (A Troyler Fanfiction) [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now