a letter to Cole

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Dear Cole,

          I honestly don't know why I'm writing this even though I can just e-mail it to you or text it to you, well, I kinda know. It's because I think letters mean more because you're actually writing it and not typing it. You won't understand since we've had this conversation before. You kept on saying that it was inconvenient but I kept on refusing until you gave it up. Anyways, I just thought I'd update you in my life. Even though you probably won't even care, you never did. 

          Well to start things off, I stopped going to therapy. I somehow managed to convince my aunt that I was okay even though I wasn't because you were gone. Also, my aunt enrolled me in ballet. I used to do it when I was a kid but grew tired of it because of everything happening with my father and all. I still have the skills, the flexibility. Surprisingly. And now, we're going to France to compete with other people. After two months of dancing again, we were already going to a competition. Ballet made me happy, but I still had my occasional breakdowns here and there. Not as frequent but it still happened. I'm still clinically diagnosed as depressed, it sucks but my aunt says I've been improving slowly.

          So, about you. What have you been doing lately? I haven't heard from you in a while now. Are you a famous singer now? Someone that I don't know about in the music industry? Anyways, I hope you've been doing great.

          Also, do you want to know what time I'm writing this? Well it's currently two in the morning and I have to get up at six for our flight. It's an eleven hour long flight so I know I can get sleep there.

          I'm starting to feel the tears in my eyes now so I'm gonna end it here. Sorry if there are words you can't understand because of y awful handwriting. By the way, I haven't even opened the box yet. I'm scared to look at what it's inside it but I will do it. Eventually. Also, just so you know. I still miss you, to this very day. I still wonder about what you're doing. I guess it's safe to say that I love you. But you'll never love me back.

                                                  Love, Eden ♥

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