"Hello! It's Yellowstar here! I'm observing the sky at night." she spoke to the clan.
Everyone, even MoonClan and SunClan cats looked at the sky. Most of the cats were online, so Yellowstar decided to do a speech.
"The sky is beautiful..." Yellowstar continued but was interrupted by some awkward noises.
A UFO landed and alien cats came out searching for food.
[What the heck is that!] Loststar yowled.
All the leaders start to panic and group their clans, making three groups. Everyone was shaking nervously not wanting to die. The Alien Cat spoke.
"Wee waant frwinds."
[Ewwww, that cat talks like Glodhart!]
"Shhhhh." Yellowstar meowed.
The Alien Cat looked at them in disgust, "I ddddoont wannnt too be associated wiiiiittthhh himmmm."
[Hehehe, he's funny]
"I'm going to take MoonClan AND SunClan with us." the Alien Cat meowed.
The Alien Cat took off with the cats.
Yellowstar starts laughing.
Orangefurpaw asked his mom, "Why are you laughing."
"Oh, Orange..." she snickers.
"Don't call me Orange! At least call me Orangefurpaw!" Orangefurpaw meowed.
"It says I could do that on the wiki." Yellowstar meowed. "I sent the kitties away."
"Wait, you sent MoonClan and SunClan away?" Orangefurpaw asked.
"Yes I did, I can do what I want." Yellowstar meowed back. "Whisper told me to."
Whisper joined the conversation.
"MoonClan and SunClan needed to stay in their own books." she explained.
"That makes sense." Orangefurpaw meowed.
Whisper nodded.
"What about Glodhart?" Orangefurpaw asked.
"You are stuck with him! You are welcome." Whisper meowed as she flew away to victory.
"NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU." Orangefurpaw and Yellowstar screamed.
"Hallo fwriends." Glodhart mew ed.
Yellowstar murders Glodhart.
[THat Nu fairr.] Glodhart grubled.
Yellowstar and Orangefurpaw died.
Aw, the book ended. I hope you enjoyed this longer chapter for the ending. Thanks for staying with this book until the end. Brought to you by Whisper, AGAIN. XDP.S. Rest in pepperonis, beautiful book.
P.P.S. Wear your seatbelts
Warriors: The Cliché Crossover
Hayran KurguThis story combines the character of both the Worst Warriors Fanfic Ever and the Ballad of the MoonClan Roleplay to create another horrendous tale! Be sure to read the Worst Warriors Fanfic Ever and the Ballad of the MoonClan Roleplay first.