1. tag and volleyball

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Chapter 1:


Emma’s POV

                I was running. This time it wasn’t our old game of tag. I wasn’t running after him, I was running away from him. This time it wasn’t a game.

                The tears kept streaming down my face as I tried to erase everything in my mind of him.

                At this moment I’m packing up all my belongings and he probably is too. We are going our separate ways, like what happened when we were younger.

                But this time, I hope we don’t see each other again. This time we aren’t leaving as friends.

                You are probably wondering how my life came up to this. I won’t leave you in the dark any longer.

                It all started with that move when we were ten.

                It started when I left and I grew used to being away from him.

                It started with his sudden absence, but also my unexpected returning.

                I’m Emma Clark and this is my story of my complicated relationship, if you’d call it that, with Harry Styles.

                I’ll take you all the way to the back to where I suppose it all started.

                I’ll explain to you the interesting tale of our, game of tag.

                I’ll tell you what happened so you would no longer be oblivious to our situation, like we all once were.


                The ringing of the bell startled me, as it brought me back to my senses. It took me a minute to realize that I daydreamed throughout the whole class period. Not that it mattered really; literature was an easy class for me to pass. I read the novel we were discussing, a thousand times already.

                Mr. Perry dismissed us after he gave us the assignment to annotate the next pages of the novel that we were reading, by Jane Austen, for homework.

                Groans and whines released from students who were the ones that didn’t even bother to do their homework anyways, while others packed up and bolted out of the door, getting ready to leave this horrid place.

                I gathered my stuff and said a farewell to Mr. Perry, him being one of my favorite teachers, and headed to my locker.

                I got out my duffel bag, which held all my necessities for volleyball, and proceeded towards the gym where tryouts were being held.

                I made a pit stop to the locker room to get changed, where I met my best friend and co-captain of the team, Taylor.

                “Hey Tay, we got to hurry up! Practice is starting in like 5 minutes and coach is going to kill us.” I said, noticing that the locker room empty. Knowing myself, I’m probably wearing a worried expression on my face.

                “Hold up! If you wanna play good you gotta look good. Relax for a bit, he can’t do anything to his star players.” I laughed at her response while she wiggled her eyebrows and hips in a goofy manner.

                Taylor is my best friend. She made me feel welcomed when I moved and switched schools. It all started in middle school, during lunch. Since I was the new girl, the boys thought it would be funny to pick on me.

                One boy decided to come up to me and ask, “Hi, I hear you’re new here. Do you mind giving me a hug?”

                I was confused to what’s going on. I thought he was being friendly, until Taylor comes to my rescue and pushed him to the ground. Once she came out of the principal’s office, she explained to me why exactly she did that. If I hugged him, he would’ve screamed, “EW COOTIES!” Then, everyone would’ve laughed and avoided me. I thought the “cooties” ended at the age of five, but like I said, I was the new girl. After that incident, we became inseparable.

                We stuffed our bags in our lockers and headed out onto the court right when coach blew his whistle.

                “There are our two all-stars!” Coach said a bit too loud, when he turned around and spotted us.

                I observed everyone who is trying out. That probably sounded a bit creepy, but if you’re captain, you got to know who you want and who you need to win a game.

                Little did I know, I had to play a tougher game later on, and in this game there are no teams.

                You’re playing alone.




A/N : hi guys !

chapter one is officially up :)

please give me feedback it would help a lot

this is dedicated to the awesome and talented @ginawriter because i love her 






 ♥ claire ♥

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