16. cafeteria fights

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*Warning: curse language is used in this chapter.*

Chapter 16

Emma’s POV

I stood there shocked, not even able to move a single inch. I never expected this kind of response from Harry. Ever since we were reunited, he’s always acted like a jerk or had witty comments about me.

I finally composed myself and gathered enough courage to hug him back. My arms reciprocated his and wrapped around his form. His scent was musky, yet could calm my senses, the smell way different from the sweet smell of vanilla when we were younger. The vanilla scent still lingers, but is only faint. How do I still remember this stuff?

The cold winter breeze engulfs my body, and I soon realized that he pulled away. I drop my arms to my side, silently upset that our contact was lost.

“Welcome back Clark,” Harry says with a dimpled grin upon his face. I guess we are restarting everything.

“Glad to see you again, Styles.” I reply back, my smile just as wide as his.


We both decided to head inside when he noticed me shaking. I couldn’t feel my toes and I know Harry felt the same­­-- since we carelessly went out with just socks covering our feet-- so we both decided to sit in front of the fireplace, not bothering to finish dinner.

We turned on the TV just staying on the current channel playing SpongeBob, and shared a blanket with each other. My mother came in with Anne and handed us both a mug of hot chocolate. Everything was going back to the way it was before, but I’m not sure if I want it to.


The next morning, I woke up from my bed and decided to get ready for school. Last night, Harry and I just kept watching reruns of SpongeBob, when our parents came in. Anne said that it was time for them to leave since they have to be up early tomorrow.

I just really hope that at school today Harry would stay true to his statement of us being bestest friends again. I really wouldn’t call it a promise because last time our “promise” led to us not seeing each other in ten years.

Once again, I walked to school, the cold not bothering me as the sound of The Fray warmed me up inside. The school was now in front of me, but Harry and his group of friends were nowhere to be seen. I rushed inside and several other voices were heard through the sound of the loud music playing through my earphones.

I took all I needed for my first classes out of my locker and looked for Harry who was still nowhere to be seen. Weird…

First and second period were over and I still haven’t seen Harry. I took a seat at a random table at lunch again, and pulled out my turkey sandwich. I was about to pull my maths homework out of my backpack, when it was roughly tossed to the floor.

“What the fu-“ I almost screamed, when I was rudely cutoff.

“Make some room Clark.” Harry interrupted me. Where the hell did he come from?

“Harry?” I asked, still wondering how the hell he missed to periods and just came for lunch.

He was about to reply to me when the rest of the boys sat down.

“Wait, why are we sitting with her?’ Louis, I remember, asked. He’s always been the rudest to me. I think he’s still pretty mad I beat him at beer pong.

“I was about to ask the same thing.” A rich accent replied. The blonde hair, who I believe his name is Niall, followed up Louis’ statement.

“Still mad over the fact my friend and I beat you two at beer pong?” I challenge back, tired of letting them pick on me. Before one of them could speak up again, Harry broke the tension.

“Come on guys, just give her a break.”

“So we’re done torturing her?” Liam asked. I still think he has a crush on Jenna, I need to set those two up.

Harry nods his head in confirmation, me sighing in relief.

“Good, because I never liked doing that anyways.” Zayn said. I knew he was always the nicest to me. We both shared smiles across the table, when he winked at me, and I looked down, hoping to hide the blush in my cheeks.

“Harry, I always thought you could do better,” Louis made my head snap up to him, curious on what he’s implying. Everyone help confused expressions and once he noticed that he continued.

“I mean, I never thought you’d go for someone like her.” Now everyone was looking at me, a furious expression on my face.

How dare he think of me like that! I’ve never done anything bad to him! I wasn’t going to feel embarrassed by that statement when I don’t even know what he’s implying.

“Louis! What the fuck are you talking about?” Harry asked, sort of in a whisper-yell kind of way.

“If you wanted to fuck someone, why her? Trying something new I see? With someone, less experienced… Virgin Mary I presume?”

Oh no he fucking didn’t.

I blasted off my damn seat and almost made my way towards him, ready to smack that smirk off his face, when someone grabbed my two wrists behind me.

“What the hell are you talking about? You don’t know a single thing about me, you jerk! Still pissed that you freaking lost to “Virgin Mary” at beer pong. You have the guts to say I’m “less experienced” when you’ve only met me a few days ago?” I yell. He just sat down in his seat, not fazed one bit, a grin apparent on his lips.

“You could take one nice look at you and just know.”

That’s it. I ripped my wrists out of the person’s hands and slapped that arse on the face. I ignored the calls and yells behind me, picked up my stuff, and stalked out of the cafeteria before anything else happened.

its freaking short. I know and I am sorry. Please keep reading because the plot is just advancing even more from here. 

please keep voting and commenting and sorry for the long wait. BUT ZAYN'S 21 AND IM OFFICIALLY THROWING MYSELF OF A CLIFF. WHO'S WITH ME? btw enjoy the gif on the side :)


p.s. you should really vote and comment because you make me smile :))


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