12. questions

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Chapter 12

Emma’s POV

The whole ride consisted of either Gemma and I talking, or Harry staring at me through the rearview mirror. I would catch him staring, but then he would just look away, and pull out his phone like nothing happened. It happened a few more times, until I couldn’t take it anymore, and I pulled out my earphones to drown out the world around me.

I woke up to Gemma screaming that we’re here, but as I opened my eyes, Harry was the first to bolt out of the car. What the hell is wrong with him?

As I got out of the car, what I saw managed to evoke nostalgic memories. My old house, my old neighborhood, everything comes flooding back from when I was a child. I didn’t realize I was looking around like a lost puppy, until Gemma invited me inside of their house, saying that my parents were here as well. How did they know I would be here?

Once I walk through the door, I’m greeted by a squeal and a warm hug.

“Oh my! Look how much you’ve grown!” Anne greets me before I can even catch a glance at who’s in the room with us.

“Hello Anne! I’ve missed you so much!” I say, adding a small chuckle at the end, quite surprised at her greeting.

We both pull away, and I was astonished at how she seems like she hasn’t even aged from the last time I was here. A few wrinkles here and there, but she still looks like the beautiful woman I last saw ten years ago.

I acknowledged both my parents, before I caught an unfamiliar face sitting by Anne. She noticed my stare, and soon introduced us.

“Emma, this is Dan, my husband.” The man stood up from his seat, and welcomed me with a hello, and a handshake. He stood a few inches taller than Anne, with a bit of a round belly and a small beard, masking around his lips. I could tell Anne looked at him with a look of love and adoration, and I smiled at her.

Then I realized something, how did my parent know to wait for my arrival here?

I cleared my throat, capturing the attention of everybody in the room, and masked up the courage to ask my parents the simple question.

“Wait, how did you know that Gemma and Harry were the ones to bring me home?”

“Well, when Jenna came over, I asked her what her surname is. Then I called up Anne and asked her if she had a niece by the name of Jenna, and I pieced the puzzle together. Jenna’s father is Anne’s brother.” My mother told me.

“And you decided to tell me when?” I asked, a bit irritated how my parents never told me this.

“Darling, when your mother called Anne, she told us that Harry and Gemma would be arriving at London to visit their cousin and drive back home the next day. We figured the cousin Jenna talked to us about was them. That’s why we let you go. We wanted to surprise you when Gemma and Harry walked through her door.” My father stated, backing up my mom. Oh I was very surprised.

Soon everyone went to their own conversations, but I was lost in my thoughts. My mother still talked to Anne? Everything seemed so strange, and soon a question was brought up in my head, was this whole “move” planned?

That thought was interrupted when they soon brought me into their discussion by asking me about school.

“So, I heard you’re captain of the sports you play at school?” Dan asked me.

“Um, yeah. Volleyball and football.”

As soon as I said that, Gemma burst out laughing remembering our chat about football with Harry. I cracked a smile, but heard a scoff near the stairs and I saw him there, already looking at me.

“What school will you be attending now?” Anne questioned.

My parents never told me the name of the school I’d be attending, so I was grateful that my mother spoke up.

“Holmes Chapel Comprehensive. Nearest one to us.”

“That’s the same school Harry is attending!” Anne exclaimed, but then turned her attention to her son. “Harry, do you mind helping Emma out on her first day?”

He didn’t even look at his mother, and mumbled a fine only few could hear. He then ascended upon the stairs and never came down for the rest of the night.

Why was he acting so cold now? He was flirty and cocky at Jenna’s house, but now something seemed to bug his mind, and I wanted to know what it was.

A/N: I'm sorry this is terribly short and pretty bad, but I do have family over because hectic things are happening, so once everything is cleared, I can assure you that Oblivious will be much better. This chapter was not showing in my works, so im re-uploading it.

The goal is the same: 10 comments, 10 votes Thank you and bear with me :-)) 


♥ claire ♥

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