17. one step at a time

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Chapter 17

Emma’s POV

How dare he think so little of me! How can someone possibly judge someone they met only a few days ago in front of a whole school!

I was pacing down the hallways, trying desperately to put more space between me and the lunchroom. I don’t even know if anyone followed me out because of the anger coursing through my veins, blocking any thoughts besides the death wishes I am hoping to pursue on that dick.

Everything stopped when I was suddenly pushed onto the lockers behind me.

“What the hell! Get off me you arse!” I scream, trying to push whoever is holding me down away.

“Calm down, Emma.” I look up and I see him, Harry. So he did follow me out of the cafeteria and was the one chasing after me. We do that a lot.

“How can I possibly calm down when a freaking asshole called me a damn “Virgin Mary” in front of the whole freaking student body?”

“Emma, breathe,” he instructed me.

“No I will not, “breathe”,” I stressed the word, breathe, with my fingers, curling them to create air quotes. I push him one last time, giving up because of exhaustion, but all he did was loosen his already tight grip trapping me to the lockers. I slumped down, sliding my back against the lockers behind me, and sat down onto the hallway floor.

“What am I going to do? What will I do? I looked like such a loser, even more than I am.” I say, while dropping my face onto my hands. My chin was gripped by two fingers, and my eyes were brought up to meet a soft set of green eyes, specks of brown blending within the color.  I knew my subconscious would get lost within them so I quickly closed my eyes, but he still didn’t let go of my chin.

“Open your eyes, Emma.”

I squeezed them even tighter, not wanting to look at the pair of eyes again, until he asked me another time, with more edge on his voice, causing my eyelids to separate and force themselves to look.

“You’re not a loser, okay? You’re better than that,” he said, with a smile on his face. He finally let go of my chin, and my lips started to tilt upward at the compliment, but I did not want to display my satisfaction. He noticed my hesitance, but continued anyway.

“If you really want to do something about it, show him. Show him how wrong he is. Come on, you’re Emma Clark. I bet you’ve got something up your sleeve. Plus, I’m always here to help.” He finished off by looking directly at my eyes, then constricted his arms around my body, and gave it a gentle sneeze.

 The bell interrupted our exchange, and he stood up, but before he walked away, he turned back around to me and lent me a hand. I took a hold of his, and he reciprocated the action, and then helped tug me back to my feet.

As we were about to part our separate ways, he says one last thing only the two of us could hear, “Don’t forget, we’re bestest friends forever.”


Classes flew by and all I could think about was mine and Harry’s “talk”. Louis was totally right though. I am a virgin, but how do I prove him wrong? Is he implying for me to be intimate with someone? But with who?

Maybe, Louis is right. No one would want to do it with someone who was less experienced, like me.

I sat through another long art class. This time it felt longer because of the problems lagging me behind the day. Our instructor told us to sketch something outside of the box, something we will never think to ever do, our fears. My subconscious got so lost into this piece of art, that I didn’t even hear the bell ring, or the students exit the class. The teacher had to tap me on my shoulder and ask me to kindly clean up, and then exit her classroom.

I cleaned up and bolt of the door in records time, because I had to be somewhere, more particularly, with someone.

This might mess up everything, but all fear does is build up inside of you. In order to get rid of it, you have to overcome it, one step at a time, but was I taking this step too far?


I hurriedly rammed my things into my locker and frantically looked around the crowded halls. I ran out the doors of the school, and finally spotted the guy I was looking for. I ran up to him, pulled him aside, even though he was in a conversation with a few other boys, and finally said it straight to his face.

“Can you help me with something?” I didn’t even bother to hear his response, before the words tumbled out of my mouth.

“Want to have a sleepover?”

Pretty sure you weren't expecting that ending. SNEAK PEEK: IT ISNT JUST A REGULAR SLEEPOVER (sorry this is short, just wait for the next chapter *hint hint*)

Please keep voting and commenting and I am going to start using the goal technique again because this story would not be going anywhere without your help.


15 Votes and 10 comments (pretty sure we could reach this yeah?)


Thank you!

♥ claire ♥

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